And what if the man is older?

Harmonious relations can develop between people of different ages. Agree, two loving people will rarely look at the difference in age. Let this problem is of more interest to the neighbors,but not you. But still, from a psychological point of view, such relationships, when a man older than a girl more than 10 years, have their pros and cons. Depending on what the girl is looking for in her chosen man, their relationship will develop according to a certain principle.
If a man is over 10 years old
3-5 years is not the biggest difference in age. It is these pairs that are most often formed. But the difference of 10 years can be quite appreciable. How does the relationship develop in this case?
If a man is 30-35, and his wife is 20-25, then such relations will be sufficiently harmonious only for the first few years. The fact is that men at this time comesa crisis of middle age, and with a young girl they feel younger. The girl, in turn, is glad that her elect does not have wind in her head. She enjoys a good relationship. A man really likes her enthusiasm, energy and spontaneity. Yes, and the inexperience of his girlfriend is also very attractive. But it will be a couple of years, the crisis of middle age will end, and the man will look at his darling quite differently. Her frivolity and lack of life experience will disappoint a man. If the girl shows understanding, she can save the relationship.
If a man is over 15 years old
Such marriages, when a man is older than a woman for 15 years, are increasingly found. But the fact is that such relationships are not alwayscan develop not only because of differences in physical age, but also emotionally. What is worth knowing if your elected one is older than you by 15 years?
Such relations are always formed according to the principle of "father and daughter". If a young girl subconsciously searchesguardian, then such a relationship will be just right for her. The man has his own benefits. The fact is that most likely the man already had a marriage, naturally, unsuccessful, otherwise he would not have got divorced. Due to the young lady he wants to fix something and compensate for his past failures. Which ones? For example, women-contemporaries may not be interested in this man because of his inner development, or he has problems in a sexual way. It may be that experienced women can not bring pleasure. But with a young, inexperienced girl who only sees a patron and mentor in her chosen one, a man can compensate for all his shortcomings.
But these relations are often doomed to failure due to the fact that the physical age of a man takes his. It takes a long time to pretend to be young and full of strengtha man can not. If a man is older by 15 years, his sexual functions will go to naught, while a woman's needs will only increase.
A woman who agrees to such a relationship, can also have its own benefit. At the expense of a partner, she will build her career. Yes, and treat her her chosen one will be very tender and gentle.
If a man is over 20 years old
The more the difference in age between a man and a woman, the more extraordinary the relationship becomes. At the age of 40, men always know what they want, and what should not happen in relationships. They do everything in their own way. A young girl in this case will suffer the most. What exactly destroys the relationship?
The difference in experience is simply enormous. A man in such a relationship will not act as a caring father, as in previous situations, but as a teacher. He will teach the whole girl, because she isinexperienced. In addition, the man will always be a leader. If the girl has at least some leadership talent, they can generally be forgotten. By the way, leadership often borders on dictatorship.
Often, older men prefer young, inexperienced girls only in order to "Fashion" of them the person who would have listened to them in everything, obeyed and considered them the meaning of life. A man wants to be sure in his wife that she will wait for him at home. Comfort and comfort are the main things for him. But how long to wait for the moment when the girl still understands that she is just a well-trained dog?
But even if you take into account that these relationships will be happy and long, imagine how you will feel like this in 10-15? Next to a young active woman will be an old manwho wants only to rest and lie on the couch in front of the TV.