Path to the left: to walk or not to walk
Treason is an unpleasant word. Probably, that's why many others were invented: like a romantic "adultery", which, however, does not change the essence. The attitude to change also depends on the mentality, the level of culture and the personal state of a person.
For example, in countries of triumphant Islaman unfaithful wife may well be stoned or buried alive in the ground, while "swingers" do not receive anything from betrayal except pleasure. It can be noted that the relationship to betrayal depends on the religiousness of the person. Any Christian church calls this an act of adultery. Therefore, the more seriously a person relates to his religion, the less chance he has to do so.
What is treason? Is it possible to consider a betrayed secret,"French" kiss, passionate look? Or does it only apply to the sexual sphere? If you follow the Orthodox doctrine, then all of the above is treason. But nevertheless, in this article the moments based on the last statement will be considered.
Despite the differences in understanding and opinions, it is possible to single out the main views concerning treason:
- Any adequately thinking person who marries, hopes that he will remain faithful.
- More than 70% of men admit the possibility of treason for various reasons.
- Approximately half the number of women shares their opinion, provided that their husband does not sexually satisfy them.
- About two-thirds of women, whose husbands are long-termthere are no houses due to their labor activity, they suspect them of treason and agree with this situation, provided that they do not bring venereal diseases to the family.
- MPeople change more often.
Analyzing these facts, we can say thata person who admits the very possibility of treason will sooner or later find himself in a situation that requires verification of his fidelity. And, most likely, this check will not last. Imagine a sports team aimed at defeat. Can we expect great results from it?
Difference in psychology
As a rule, men are able to changethe result of the so-called "confluence of circumstances." Male psychology is well illustrated in the film "The Way of the Male" by the notorious Roman Trachtenberg. If a married man still considers himself free, then from treason the seal in the passport or the presence of children will not keep him.
A woman, unlike a man, changes then,when she herself made this conscious decision. Single cases of changes under the influence of alcoholic vapors or a relaxing environment in a warm company. A woman changes when she wants it.
Altering man almost always wants to save the family. Some of them feel a sense of remorse and regret. A woman changing her husband, resigned herself to the fact that the family failed.
The man is guided by lust and desire forconquests. A clear algorithm of action immediately appears in his head. As soon as the eyes catch the desired goal, the man is ready for decisive actions (acquaintance, an invitation to stay together, etc.). Only a woman can change out of revenge. And to a man who himself without knowing helps to realize the female plans, she may not feel any feelings.
Public opinion
Public opinion shapes views asmen, and women. If in the Soviet Union the guilty party was called to the party meeting, then modern society is more liberal. Nevertheless, the legacy of the past years makes itself felt. For the most part, society refers negatively to changing women, but loyally perceives men. This clearly demonstrates that the positions of feminism in the post-Soviet space are relatively weak.
Friendly advice or opinion of an authoritative personcan keep from betraying or pushing towards it. At the same time, acting in the role of such an adviser, one should be prepared for serious consequences. It is the adviser who becomes extreme and guilty, if something has gone wrong. For example, if you supported the idea of getting acquainted with a beautiful girl, from whom your friend subsequently received syphilis, you will become the "scapegoat".
What to do in case of treason
As trivial as it may sound, a solution cantake only the person himself. If this situation suits both sides, then we can not start a discussion. Each case should be considered individually. The presence of children, the sincerity of the repentance of the changed party and other factors must undergo a rigorous evaluation and verification.
In the Christian sense, adultery -the only reason for the divorce, which in all other cases is strictly prohibited. But, even if forgiven, betrayal always creates an unpleasant residue in the family, depriving the partner of trust. Fifteen minutes of pleasure and years of mistrust, resentment, conflicts and family quarrels. Decide which of these items should be weighed in advance, without waiting for the "strength" test.