Women's mistakes in relationships: how can they be avoided?

Psychology of women in relationships can significantly differ from psychologymen, resulting in virtually inevitable various conflicts. And, unfortunately, often women's mistakes in relationships can lead to parting. Which women mistakes in relationships most common? Can a woman avoid mistakes in a relationship?
Mistakes are peculiar to everyone, and it would even beit is strange, if in mutual relations with the opposite sex men and women would never make any mistakes. But although it is believed that the mistakes are learned, however, Some errors are best not to be committed: sometimes the lessons that life gives are very expensive.
Errors in relationships are admitted, of course, both men and women. So, very common mistakes of bothsexes are attempts to invade a partner's private space (reading personal mail or messages), excessive obsession or vice versa, unwillingness not only to "take" but also "give away." This list can be continued for a long time.
But there are also mistakes that are typically feminine or typically masculine. For example, very a frequent mistake of women in relationships is an attempt to play the role of mother for their partner. In general, the "maternal" care of a man is not soreally bad: a man is always full, well-groomed. But the trouble is that playing the role of mother, a woman and becomes for a man almost a mother. And as love for a woman and love for a mother are known, this is not the same thing at all.
Another common female mistake in the relationship is women's dependence on men, dependence on relationships. In such cases, it is usually said that a woman "dissolves" in her partner, completely forgetting herself. The woman takes the slightest disagreement very seriously because of the great fear of losing a man. Very quickly, this behavior of a woman to a man can be boring.
Such errors in the relationship, as, for example, waiting for the perfect actions from your partner, are characteristic mainly of women, althoughmen too can admit them. His "prince on a white horse", some women can wait for years, and if the existing partner does not "reach" to its ideal, the woman will not fail to remind him about it. But for men the constant claims from the beloved woman - not the best incentive to improve.
It happens that women's mistakes in relationships begin before the relationship itselfappear. Often, women already in the search for a partner "program" for themselves an erroneous scenario for the development of relations: someone too idealizes the future partner, someone, on the contrary, adjusts himself too pessimistic. It is not surprising that after the beginning of relations such "attitudes" lead to a lamentable result.
The relationship between a man and a woman - it is always difficult, and no one is immune fromerrors. It is important to love each other, respect not only your desires, but also your partner's desires. And in order to build a harmonious and lasting relationship, a man and a woman must work together. Let there be no unforgivable mistakes in your relationship!