How to understand if you like a guy
Love at first sight, striking likelightning, is a rare phenomenon. Much more often, relationships begin with sympathy, which grows into love, and then into love. And at the initial stage it is not always clear how sympathetic the guy is. How do you know if you like a guy?

They say that it is difficult to understand women. But men often do not understand easier. They say one thing, they do something else, and what they really think is only their own. It happens that a man lavishing fervent admission is actually indifferent to the object of confessions, and a modest, silent boy is in love with his ears. Therefore, his words in this case can not help much.

To understand if you like a guy, you need to pay attention to the language of his body, his behavior. What a man says is less important than what he says,as he says it. Words can be controlled simply, but nonverbal reactions are much more difficult, unless a man is a trained special agent or a CIA spy. So look at both.

In the company of a girl who likes him, the guy begins to behave more solidly and with restraint. Even if a guy loves to joke and hearsa joker, he will endeavor to demonstrate the more adult side of his nature in the presence of a girl, in relation to whom he has serious intentions.

There are two more non-verbal signs that help to understand if you like a guy. Men try not to turn their backs on the object of their sympathy. For example, if you talked, and someone called to him, he will turn his head, but his body will remain deployed in your direction. This is the first sign, the second is connected with personal space.

For each person, his personal space is of great importance. We intend to invade it only to those people who are really pleasant to us. Check if he will let you into his private space. Sitting at the same table, as if accidentally gently touch his foot. If he does not remove his foot and does not change his posture, it means that this unobtrusive physical contact is pleasant to him and you are pleasant.

If a guy tells a funny or entertaining story in the company, you will be the first one whose reactions will be of interest to him. To feel more confident, men oftenfollow the reaction of the one who is considered the most important person at the table. And this person is often a girl, to whom they feel sympathy. Look the guy in the eye and give a reassuring smile, if you want to let him know that his feelings are mutual.

Does the guy talk a lot about himself when you're around? Do not rush to brand him as an egoist. Often, men begin to talk about themselves, when they are confused or embarrassed by the presence of a beautiful girl. First, they want to show themselves with the besthand, and secondly, they are the ones who know the best in this topic! So do not make hasty conclusions, just smile, and time will tell who in front of you is a finished egocentric or hopelessly in love.

By the way, you can distinguish a lover from an egocentricby how carefully he listens to you. One of the most rewarding gestures that a man in love can make is not just listening to you, but also remembering what you say to him. If he bothered to remember information about you, it means that you are important to him. This can be checked by asking him a few quick questions about what you told him. Just do not make an interrogation.

Of course, this is by no means all the signs by whichyou can understand if you like the guy. Much can tell his attitude to his own appearance (he tries to dress and look prettier when he meets with you), the desire to stand as close to you as possible when you are in the company ... Rely on your feminine intuition, and if it fails, it may be worth asking directly: some men are just waiting for this!

How to understand if you like a guy
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