How to check a manUnfortunately, many women had experience of unsuccessfulrelations, and therefore they start with a new distrust and distrust. Where is the guarantee that a man who looks sweet and gallant at a candy-bouquet stage will continue to justify your expectations? How to check a manso as not to be disappointed then?

Of course, the best test is a test of time,but it is unlikely that you will be overjoyed by the realization that you spent several months on a futile relationship with someone who did not like you or just does not suit you. How to test a man at the initial stage of the relationship? How to understand if it is worth trying to build relationships with him?

Of course, all men are different, and women to their chosen ones make absolutely different demands. But there are some signs that make it clear that relationships with a man can be, if not hopeless, then very complex.

For example, pay attention to the way he speaks about his ex-girlfriends. If he says unpleasant things about them, thenit is worth pondering: do you want to join the ranks of those about whom it will be bad to say bad parting? If he responds about them neutrally or well, it most likely means that they have parted in an amicable way, which means that he is not a contrarian and not a conflict person.

Check the man's sincerity of attitude to you will help the language of his body. A man can talk a lot, but his gesturescan easily refute these words. If he constantly talks about love, but rarely touches you and keeps some distance - maybe his words are not so truthful.

Some try check the man by asking him for help: it's easy to be with a person when everything is good and nono problems, but the need to help a girl in a difficult situation can show the true face of your boyfriend. If you need help, and he immediately has some urgent business, it's unlikely that you really need him.

At all, caring for a man about you - this is one of the best indicators of his attitude towards you. How, for example, does he behave when you are sick? If he visits you, brings fruit and medicine, makes tea - congratulations! But if he is waiting for you to recover, while he himself is walking around bars with friends, it's unlikely that you will be able to build a normal relationship.

One of the often recommended ways to test a man is to cause his jealousy. Like, jealous - then like. But jealousy is by no means always a sign of love, sometimes she talks about the banal feelingownership. On the other hand, not all men are jealous (or openly show their jealousy), so the lack of jealousy does not always indicate the absence of love.

It happens that women try to test a man with whims and hysterics - they say, if they suffer, then they really love. But keep in mind that at an early stage of the relationship a man also looks closely to you, just like you to him. It is unlikely that he will want to continue to meet with an unbalanced hysterical woman. Do not show yourself from the worst side: maybe a man will check your test, but you do not.

What not to do? Do not spy, rummage in his phone andmonitor it on social networks, constantly ask about where he was, what he did, with whom he spoke. With such actions you go too far, you "wind" yourself, and the man clearly lets you know that you do not trust him.

So, no matter how much you want to test a man, it's better not to take active actions and not to test him. Let the relationship develop in its own way, Your task is not to let yourself lose your head from love and carefully look at your chosen one, in time to notice the alarming "bells".

But do not be too picky: there are no ideal men, so you need to distinguish real causes for concern from shortcomings, characteristic of all living people.

How to check a man
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