How a man in love behaves

In vain women believe that the man in love does not show any emotions and behaves as closely as possible. It is very easy to determine, how a man in love behavesbecause he is not able to cheat and cheer like a woman. Simply, his behavior becomes less adequate and more unpredictable, which can not but delight the woman.

Every man in the soul of a child. A woman should never forget this. Suppress male childishness is not recommended, because a man is very afraid of losing in your face a person who indulges his weaknesses.

How a man in love behaves? Remember how in childhood the boys showed toDo you need attention signs? They tried to hurt you, pull the pigtail, put the bandwagon. Growing up, the man becomes softer, but the potholes remain approximately the same, only now they develop on a spiritual level.

A man in love, above all, triesremain calm and indifferent, but his feeling is given by a kind of fuss. He has a gleam in his eyes, a surge of energy, but if you ask what happened, you will respond indifferently, perhaps even rudely. If a man is in love with you, he will hide his gaze, shift from foot to foot, and his hands will sometimes shake. This is especially noticeable on the first date. The man tries to constantly turn something in his hands, and if he smokes, then the cigarette from his hands will not disappear, as long as you do not leave the room. Many women notice such changes in the state of a man, starting with a mockery to look at him and poke. This can not be done categorically. Give the man to feel free and at ease. It is difficult for him to cope with the idea that he is now weak and very open. This, incidentally, is a great misconception of men. A man in love is much stronger psychologically than a man in his usual state. Psychologists even acknowledged that loving men are easier to negotiate and conclude especially important contracts.

It is interesting to observe how a man in love behaves. Often, the symptoms of all are the same, there are only individual characteristics and differences.

Lovers men are divided into chatterboxes, which say a lot and out of place, and for the silent - from which words can not be stretched. There is a third type - creative. In this case, the man says a lot, but very slowly, considering every phrase, gesture and even thought.

A man in love often does not get enough sleep because his head is clogged with the thought ofbeloved woman. The funny thing is that on a date he will try to show impudence and may not tell you emotionally how he spent the whole night at the club. By this he tries to show you that his freedom can not be reduced to anything, even by the fact that now his cup of coffee will fall out of the trembling hands with excitement. By the way, shaking hands man can write off for yesterday's drinking alcohol in the mythical club.

A man in love will check you by ordering a sweet one. Believe me, almost all men are sweet. Agree, urging him to order something too sweet. Men only look loafers. In fact, they are admired by the ladies who are cuddling the cake. True, everything must be done in moderation. Joint eating of sweet will relax the man.

How a man in love behaves in society? He tries to impress you,so try to talk and joke a lot. From excitement jokes are sometimes not very funny. Close your eyes and play along. In no case do not expose a man in society outcast or a loser. A self-respecting woman should know that the man who is next to her is the best and most important for her, in whatever situation she finds herself.

A man in love very often begins to write poetry, music, or some other way to express himself in creativity. It is necessary and important to evaluate.

If a man in love is afraid to call you - call first. High feelings will not let him talk to youit does not matter. Try to find out the reason why he does not call first. If the reason is missing - everything is in order, he just sits with a pipe in his hands and composes the reason why he wants to call you.

A man in love becomes distracted. He can step on your foot, turna cup of coffee on your lap, not to find on the desk a phone that lies right in front of your nose. Please note, this is absolutely normal. The woman behaves no less absent-mindedly, the difference is that it is easy for a woman to hide these moments for coquetry and female nature.

So, to understand how to behavea man in love, you just need to fall in love with a man and not get stuck in his behavior. Let him behave as he likes, if only you were both well and cozy. Do not put the man in an awkward position questions: "Are you in love?"," But I can find out who you are in love with? ". This is a mistake that a woman admits and becomes a read book even before a man's love grows into love. Be patient and condescending to a man in love.

How a man in love behaves
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