How a man behaves if he likes a woman, but he hides it

Men are not inclined to tell the whole world abouttheir feelings. This does not mean that a man does not feel any sympathy, if he is silent. And women can only guess about the feelings of their chosen one ...

If a man liked a woman, how does he behave?

It is interesting that men behave differently when they are in the company of a woman they like.

How a man behaves if he likes a woman, but he hides it

The first option is taciturnity

Self-confidence is a quality thatis formed by years of education or self-improvement. Not every person is confident in himself. A man in front of a woman always tries to look just like that. He assumes that he creates the necessary effect of self-confidence with a deliberate severity and taciturnity.

The second option is rudeness

There is another extreme. When a guy likes a girl, he tends to stand out, so in her presence it becomes rougher and can hurt other men. He does not think that most women would refuse from a relationship with a man who exposes himself to unnecessary danger. If a man occupies a dominant position in his group, then in the presence of the girl he demonstratively oppresses his subordinates. So his nature seeks to demonstrate to the woman that he is in charge here and is the best candidate for her attention, although many modern women are repulsive.

If a man hides his feelings, how does he behave?

One weighty factor that influences how a man's feelings are manifested, who tries to hide them, is his upbringing.

How a man behaves if he likes a woman, but he hides it

Weakness in the understanding of most men canbe shown in various ways: talkative, emotional, cautious, intellectual, gallant, courteous - in general, everything that is necessary in a relationship with a woman. If a man suddenly manifests (or tries to show) one of these qualities next to the same woman, then she cares about him.

Most guys do not know how to "switch" modescommunication: to be polite with girls and rude with their comrades. The presence of a lady of the heart in a male company dislodges a man from the rut, so his feelings literally "stick out" out of him in the form of strange behavior.

A vivid example of this situation isboys who in school constantly harass their company certain girls. Few of these children think that a girl can actually be the object of sympathy for the leader of their little gang - he just does not have the courage to speak to her personally, and the desire to show attention does not go away.

If a man looks stealthily ...

Now let's imagine a well-bred man. He is not strangers to the rules of etiquette and women, he is not afraid, so to identify any intimate feelings about his behavior will be difficult. But there is one sign that applies to all men without exception.

How a man behaves if he likes a woman, but he hides it

Any man looks at the object of attachment with a special, attentive, piercing eye. Women characterize these views in different ways:

  • someone seems to think that a man mentally undresses a girl she looks at;

  • someone sees in this glance enthusiasm, excitement or devotion.

In any case, it is a question of lust, and most often such views of a man are hidden, they look slyly.

To see such a view is not difficult - hisyou can even feel your back. Therefore, watch the sensations of the creepy on the skin of the back and the back of the head - if you try to turn sharply, in three cases out of five you will come across the above-described look, and you will easily find out who wants you.

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