Development of creativityRecently, more often you can hear a term such as "creativity". Teachers and teachers develop creativity in children and students, employers as one of the requirements for applicants indicate creativity ... What is creativity? Why develop creativity??

Creativity is the constant companion of creativity. It implies a person's ability to generate new ideas that are different from traditional or accepted thinking patterns. At the domestic level, creativity can be identified with savvy - the ability to find a way out of the situation, using improvised means, however lean. If to interpret more widely, creativity is a non-stamped approach to solving problems, the use of non-trivial and witty ways.

It is believed that creativity in one way or anotheris inherent in each of us. Simply with age, standard schemes for solving problems are developed, we all do as we are used to, and gradually the ability to find non-standard solutions becomes weaker - so to speak, atrophies as useless. In such cases, you may need to develop creativity.

Why do you need to develop creativity?? You can after all live peacefully and without itquality. Yes, someone can. But some creativity is needed at work, creative and self-creative people without it anywhere. Creativity helps not to get lost in an unconventional situation, to be more flexible in the decision-making process. In addition, who wants to think all the time in a pattern? Do you never have a desire to "dilute" the routine routine with something unusual?

How can you develop creativity? There are various methods and trainings aimed at developing creativity. We will talk about some of them.


Perhaps, this is one of the most famous ways to develop creativity. First formulated The problem that needs to be solved by brainstorming. In trainings for the development of creativity, comic problems are often used (for example, to list as many ways as possible of using a particular object not for its intended purpose).

After this, the main stage begins - generation of ideas, it is precisely aimed at the development of creativity. Absolutely all the ideas suggested by the participants are fixed by the presenter - without exception. At this stage, it is very important to respect series of rules:

  • There are no bad ideas, any ideas are accepted without limitations;

  • criticism is forbidden - both positive and negative, only ideas, no evaluation;

  • to offer unusual and absurd ideas can and should be;

  • any ideas can be combined and improved.

Typically, participants first offer templateideas, and when they end, the turn of non-standard comes. If brainstorming was used to find a solution to a real problem, at the end of the idea it is necessary To analyze, improve and select the best.

What if?..

Although they say that no one knows what would have happened,if everything was different, but no one is going to fantasize. In this exercise, on the development of creativity, you are just invited to think about similar questions. The facilitator submits a question from the series "What if?..", And the participants are looking for answers. For example:

  • What if people did not know how to lie?

  • And what if a person could fly?

  • What if our pets were as intelligent as we are with you?

The choice of questions depends on the audience, potentially provocative issues are best avoided. For example, the discussion of the question "What ifThe Soviet Union has not collapsed? "May turn into a dispute between supporters and opponents of the" scoop ". The facilitator should present the situation in such a way that the participants remember that the main goal is the development of creativity and the exchange of non-standard ideas, and not the clarification of the truth in the last instance.

What common?

In this exercise, participants are invited to develop creativity To find as many similarities as possible between absolutely different objects or phenomena (remember, as Lewis Carroll - "Than the crowsimilar to a desk? "). You need to give the participant some time for reflection, and then discuss the results. Questions can be, for example, such:

  • What is common between the inhabitants of Lapland and coffee?

  • What do trains and laces have in common?

  • What is common between chocolate and mountain?

  • What is common between speaking and walking?

Of course, various exercises and trainings onthe development of creativity there is a mass. The main thing is, if possible, to develop your creative thinking not alone, because truth is born in a dispute, and the most non-standard ideas are usually generated in the company of like-minded people.

Development of creativity
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