How to become a leader?
The word "leader" is translated from English as "leading, going ahead." In every collective, in every group of people, there is certainly a person who enjoys the greatest influence and authority - her leader. How to become a leader? Let's try to figure this out with the Land of Soviets.

Leader Is the person who uses the groupthe greatest authority, has the greatest influence, takes responsible decisions in important situations, regulates relationships and exercises overall leadership of the group's activities.

In psychology, there are several classifications of leaders. So, according to the content of activities, the leader canto be the executor and inspirer; by its nature - situational or its universal; by direction - business and emotional. The leader can be formal (leadership is backed by a leading position) and informal. Depending on the style of leadership, the leader can be democratic, authoritarian or anarchistic.

Is it possible to become a leader? Some believe that leaders are born, some are what become of them. There are examples of how initially modest and insecure people became leaders and led people. What needs to be done to become a leader? Is there any method?

First, decide in which group and why you want to become a leader. It is impossible to be a leader absolutely everywhere - each group has its own characteristics andmakes his demands on the leader. The leader in the university group will not necessarily be the leader in the company of friends. The leader "in general" is a concept abstract, abstract from life.

In addition, every leader has his own goal, and leadership is only a means to achieve it. Leadership for the sake of leadership is doomed to failure. Why? Yes, because such a "leader just so" usually only revels in its authority and influence on people, absolutely not benefiting the group. The group is bored and there is a "palace coup".

The leader's goal can be either altruistic orselfish. You can become a leader to help a certain group of people, or you can pursue purely personal goals (for example, advance in the service and become an executive from an informal leader). In the second case, it is important not to bend the stick - people do not like to be used. So, aspiring to the heights of success, do not forget about those for whom you answer - from the top it hurts to fall.

A leader is a person ready to take responsibility for others. If you want to become a leader, be prepared forthat you will not only sing praises and catch every word of yours. You are responsible for those people who trusted you and took your leadership. Are you ready to withstand such a responsibility?

So, you have decided on the goals and decided that you are ready to take responsibility for other people. What should you do next to become a leader? First and foremost - develop leadership skills. In different sources, you can find different lists of leadership qualities (besides in each specific situation different qualities come to the fore), we list only a few of them:

  • the pursuit of success;

  • organization;

  • sociability;

  • the ability to make decisions;

  • self-confidence;

  • readiness to overcome difficulties;

  • equilibrium;

  • firmness and determination;

  • purposefulness;

  • a responsibility;

  • organizational qualities.

The development of each of these qualities can fit a separate article. But most of them come with experience - though not always successful. On the thorny path of the future leader there are ups and downs.

Let's try to give a few tips, which can help you become a leader:

  1. Record your successes and victories - even the most insignificant. These are the bricks from which self-confidence develops.

  2. Read about leaders, watch leaders, communicate with leaders and learn from them. Learn not only on your mistakes, but also on others.

  3. Do it. What? Yes, anything. The leader does not sit idly by, he acts and encourages others to act.

  4. Evaluate yourself from the outside and listen to the assessments of other people. A real leader knows his weaknesses and overcomes them.

In general, how to become a leader, chubby volumes are written - in a nutshell about it you will not tell. But we hope that our advice will help you take the first step towards leadership.

How to become a leader?
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