Hidden hypnosis: what, how and why?Hypnosis Is the art of introducing a person into trance. You can hypnotize a person openly, as in a session with a hypnotherapist. But you can use another very effective method - hidden hypnosis.

So, what exactly is meant by the term "hidden hypnosis"?" This subtle psychological influence on the subconscious of a person bypassing his consciousness. One of the greatest hypnotists, who constantly used this method, was Milton Erickson. He developed the technique of the world-famous Ericksonian hypnosis.

Hidden hypnosis and the technique of its guidance can be described in brief. The first step is accession to the hypnotized. You can join at a physiological level, or on a psychological level.

Accession at the physiological level implies the repetition of gestures, the slightest movements of the interlocutor and his posture. So, during a conversation with an interlocutortry to copy his body position, his movements. But do it not very intrusively. To find out if you joined the interlocutor, touch your finger to your chin. If the interlocutor repeated your move, the connection was successful.

Psychological adherence to the interlocutor can give colossal results, because you can influence the train of thought, adoption of decisions of the interlocutor. In order to join psychologically,It is necessary to understand what mental images arise in the brain of the interlocutor. In this we can help eye movements and the use of certain phrases in a person's speech.

So, if a person thinks more with visual images (visuals), his speech will often occur"Look", "it is seen that", "pay attention", "consider". Movements of the eye upward or leftward or up and right indicate that your interlocutor creates a mental image. Blurred vision in nowhere also indicates the construction of image-picture.

Audials (people who think with auditory images) most often say "listen", "listen", "tell", etc. Accordingly, when creating an auditory mental image, a person will look to the right or to the left.

Kinesthetics (people who think by building bodilyimage) use such verbal turns as "I felt", "felt", "I was amazed", etc. Movement of the eyes to the right means that the person remembers images that can be felt: hunger, pain, cold, heat.

In order to join a person, first establish what images he operates on, and then use in your speech those words and phrases, which are suitable for this or that type.

Where can I use this technique? Hidden hypnosis can be used in important negotiations, when you want to persuade the director to choose your proposal. Owning this technique increases your chances of convincing a potential client to use the services of the company you represent. Wherever required convince the interlocutor to make a decision that is beneficial to you, hidden hypnosis will justify itself.

To enter into the trance of their victims, gypsies also use hidden hypnosis. But their method is based not on a subtle effect on the subconscious, but on the overload of consciousness, as a result of which the goal is achieved. Overload of consciousness is achieved by simultaneous impact onthe areas of the brain that are responsible for visual perception (the gypsy's bright clothes, their constant gesticulation in conversation), the auditory perception (an endless series of questions about nothing, constant leaps from topic to topic) and kinesthetic perception (gypsies touch the garment of a man, his shoulder, pat on the back, attempts to tell fortunes on the arm). Such an impact within 2-3 minutes, a maximum of 5, introduces the ordinary person into a state of trance.

Knowing the techniques of hiding hidden hypnosis will help to protect and protect yourself. If you recognize another person's actionsattempts to hypnotize yourself - try to move away from the conversation and change the subject. If this can not be done, you can pretend that you do not understand something. In the case of instigating hypnosis by the Roma, the best way to protect them will be simple disregard. Do not miss their attempts to speak to you and leave. As soon as you pay attention to what they are talking about, the probability that you are hypnotized immediately grows many times.

Hidden hypnosis: what, how and why?
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