Treatment with acupunctureAcupuncture is an ancient Chinese methodtreatment of a person by affecting certain points of acupuncture on the body. This science has developed over time through empirical experiments. Today acupuncture treatment Is a scientifically based method of combating a number of diseases.

To begin with we will dispel some myths connected with acupuncture. Many are afraid to go to acupuncture, fearingpain. However, this procedure is absolutely painless due to the use of special needles thick in human hair. They are not only sterile, but also designed for single use. Some people may feel a slight discomfort only from the very moment of the injection. But in the future these unpleasant feelings go away. To avoid piercing the nerve endings, blood vessels and lungs (and such cases have happened), choose only highly qualified specialists who have already proven themselves.

Treatment with acupuncture is used for a wide range of diseases. With it, fight with headache and toothache. Also acupuncture is very effective in painful menstruation, pain in the back and lower back. Very good acupuncture affects the work of the immune system. But do not expect that this method of treatment is a panacea for many diseases. Only with a comprehensive approach, acupuncture treatment can have a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person.

The acupuncture session can last from half an hour to an hour. The doctor himself will assign the optimal amountsessions, which you should visit. Most often, 2 sessions per week. And for acupuncture treatment to bring its results, it is best to conduct sessions for 4-5 weeks.

How does the acupuncture pass? First, the doctor will determine the biologically active points on your body. Then the desired area of ​​the body is treated with alcohol and injected needles. Depending on the type of treatment with acupuncture, the methods of influence on the body are distinguished: sedative and stimulating.

In the sedative method of treatment, 2-3 needles are used, which are injected to a depth of 1.5 to 8 cm. These needles can remain in the human tissues fromhalf an hour to two days. There is a more gentle sedative method of acupuncture: with the help of rotational movements, the needles are injected into 2-4 points on the body. The last variant of the sedative method of acupuncture treatment can be applied even for children.

The stimulating method of acupuncture is used to treat paralysis, facial nerve neuritis, impotence, atopic constipation and collapse. This method is characterized by rapid stimulation of selected acupuncture points, for which the needles are injected to a depth of 3 mm to 1 cm and leave them in the skin for 30 seconds to 5 minutes.

Acupuncture for weight loss

Treatment with acupuncture has long been used to combat obesity. With acupuncture, you can work oncertain points on the ears, belly and feet, thus regulating the metabolic rate in the body and suppressing the feeling of hunger. Since the impact on biologically active points is not constant, then do not forget that this method gives temporary results. After stopping the acupuncture, you can re-dial the weight that was dropped. Therefore, there are other methods of combating obesity, based on the treatment of acupuncture.

To get rid of excess weight, the golden needle Mukhina. Since this needle is made of gold, and its ownthe design resembles an earring for piercing, it is injected and securely fixed at a certain point in the ear area. The needle can be worn for 6 months. Since the method of applying a gold needle gives a longer result, it is desirable to use it in the fight against excess weight.

Also it is necessary to take into account that acupuncture treatment is a purposeful method of improving the whole organism. Do not focus only on losing weight andcorrection of the digestive process. Full recovery of the body and improvement of the work of all important organs will lead not only to weight loss, improvement of well-being, but also to solve certain health problems.

Treatment with acupuncture
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