How to develop intuition?Intuition helps people to successfully find a way out ofsituations in which logic is powerless. A light bulb lights up in your head and you see a solution that seems obvious, but if you are asked to prove it, you probably will not be able to do it. Someone's intuition is stronger, someone is weaker. How to develop intuition?

Intuition is the ability to directthe comprehension of truth without proofs and preliminary logical reasoning. That is why intuitive decisions seem to be taken at random. The adoption of an intuitive decision is based not on logic, but on empathy and imagination, and is not controlled by us consciously, directly. But if the decision-making process is not controlled by us, it does not mean that it is not at all.

Usually our intuition is involved inextreme situations, when there is no time to think and reason, or in a situation where the available information is not enough to make a logical decision. The basis for making an intuitive decision is our previous life experience. Imagine a puzzle with a picture of the ship,in which there are not enough details. Despite the fact that the picture turned out with "holes", we can mentally reconstruct the missing parts, because from our experience we know how the ship should look.

But someone has got used to rely on intuition, and someone has got used to be guided by logic and in unforeseen situations it is lost. Can you develop intuition, learn to make intuitive decisions? Since intuition is an irresponsible process anduncontrollable, we can not influence it. But we can accumulate sufficient experience in various fields of knowledge to give our intuition "food". We can learn to perceive the situation not superficially, but look inward, noting the little things that a person accustomed to operating with facts and logical operations seem insignificant and irrelevant.

Different psychologists recommend different waysdevelop intuition, but the only true and 100% effective method is not: we are all different, each of us has its own psychological characteristics. Psychology generally can not be called an exact science: for someone certain things work, for someone - no. But we will try give several directions of movement - Perhaps, some of them will be true for you.

To develop intuition, do not try to look at the situation from one corner. Try to look at it from different angles. If you interact with other people -try to put yourself in their place, understand what they think and feel. Here again, a comparison with a puzzle piece will do: do not look at it as a combination of elements, but take the picture as a whole.

In making logical decisions, emotions do not participate- they interfere with the objective assessment of the facts. But when making an intuitive decision, emotions are taken into account: it often happens that the facts speak of one thing, and the emotions of the participants in the situation indicate another. Learn to recognize the emotions of others - Mimics, gestures, intonations. The ability to recognize emotions is an important part of empathy, on which intuition is based. The development of empathy helps develop intuition.

Learn to ask questions. The best ideas do not come when you are servedinformation on a saucer, and then, when you yourself "get to it", asking questions and finding answers to them. A good way to develop intuition is to discuss with like-minded people questions from different fields of knowledge and look for answers together. That is why many great discoveries were made not by one scientist, but by a couple or even by a group: working together serves as a catalyst for intuition.

To develop intuition, learn to abandon cliches and stereotypes. Stereotypes can be to a certain extentare useful in standard, habitual, patterned situations. But the need for intuition arises just the same in non-standard situations, and stereotypical thinking will only hinder.

Intuition is not making decisions "at random", but the ability to penetrate the very essence of the situation. Therefore to develop intuition means to learn to look inward and understand that in some situations there are no unimportant moments.

How to develop intuition?
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