Olivier salad classic: step-by-step recipe with photo
A beautiful foreign name for salad olivier sometimesconfusing. It seems that he comes from beautiful Paris, where he is as honored as in Russia. But this is the deepest delusion, since this dish is originally Russian, based on the traditions and taste preferences of representatives of n nobility of the nineteenth century. Salad was invented in one of the Moscow restaurants by the French chef Lucien Olivier specially for Russian visitors. The composition of the present salad of Olivier nineteenth century included hazel grouses, cervical collars, veal tongues and capers. Currently, there is an alternative version of the classic recipe for salad olivier, brought into line with modern products and taste preferences of today's generation.
Necessary ingredients:
- canned green peas - 1 pot
- boiled sausage - 400 g
- carrots - 1 pc
- eggs - 5 pieces
- potatoes - 200 g
- pickled cucumbers - 3 pieces
- onions - 1 pc
- salt to taste
- mayonnaise - 250 g
Cooking method
- Thoroughly wash the potatoes and carrots. Vegetables cook with skinned "in a uniform", so they will keep the structure and will not fall apart in a salad. When cooking, do not salt them, check with a fork for readiness, drain the water and pour cold to cool faster.
- Cook hard-boiled eggs, that is, they should be boiled in boiling water for at least fifteen minutes. Also cool in cold water.
- We clear the cooled boiled eggs from the shell, potatoes and carrots - from the upper peel.
- Cut all the ingredients into cubes of the same size. Before slicing pickled cucumbers, literally wring them from the brine, otherwise the salad will not be the same consistency.
- Drain all the water from the green peas and mix all the ingredients.
- We fill everything with mayonnaise, preferably take a provencal with fat content of 60%, it was this mayonnaise that Mr. Olivier himself used.

You can also make mayonnaise on your own. To do this, take 2 egg yolks, olive or sunflower oil, half a teaspoon of mustard powder, sugar and salt. All the ingredients are whipped thoroughly in a blender to a homogeneous consistency.
There are many alternatives to the classicala recipe for salad olivier, where instead of sausages put chicken or any other meat, instead of pickled cucumbers - fresh, do not put potatoes or onions, replace peas with corn or beans, and much, much more. But invariably the fact that salad olivier is seasoned with mayonnaise, and on every festive table it is he who is the most desired dish, loved since childhood. Of course, in each family, its traditional recipe for salad is Olivier, all adored, taken for the standard, which is passed down from generation to generation. The above recipe is one of the simplest and tasty. It will not be difficult to master it, and its taste is really considered to be classic.