How to choose a metal doorChoosing the front door, we are primarilyWe pay attention not to the appearance of the door, but to its reliability and safety. Already passed those times when the entrance doors were made of wood. Now more and more people prefer metal entrance doors. How to choose a metal door?

To properly choose a metal door, you need to be guided three main criteria. This is the protection that the door provides; degree of heat and sound insulation; appearance. As the fourth criterion, you can name the price, but it depends on the first three.

The main criterion in choosing a metal entrance door is precisely the degree of protection: you decided to choose a metal door forThat your property remains intact and secure. Protection, which can provide a door of metal, depends primarily on the degree of burglar resistance of the door.

Totally distinguish five classes of burglary resistance: the first class is the lowest (such doors are easyopen with the use of the simplest tools), the fifth class - the highest (bullet-proof doors). It is clear that the bullet-proof door in the city apartment is unlikely to be needed, but for resistance to burglary with the use of various tools to pay is worth.

The door class is confirmed by Gosstandart's certificates. Despite the fact that the metal doors are not subject to mandatory certification, It is better to choose a metal door with appropriate certificates. So you can be assured of the quality of the door: a self-respecting manufacturer of certificates will take care.

The door class is directly related to the quality of the doorstructure. Doors of low grades are usually perfectly crooked: in such doors the door leaf and the door frame consist of thin die profiles. Doors are high quality welded. The box and linen are made of a pipe of different profile and thickness. The design of the door must be geometrically correct, without distortion and deformation.

Also, the degree of protection is affected by locks. There are two types of locks - cylinder and lever. Suvaldny (safe) lock more massive, it is more difficult to dislodge, at suchthe lock is advised to close the door at night or in case of departure. The reliability of the lock to breaking is determined by the number of the scales (code plates). Their number can be determined by counting the steps on the key beard: the thumbs will be one less. Advised to choose a castle with at least six throngs.

Cylinder lock easier to knock out, but it's harder to pick up a key to itor open with a master key. Its internal mechanism has the form of a cylinder with locking pins. The number of pins determines the reliability of the lock - for high reliability they must be at least five. To determine the number of pins, count the number of cuts or depressions on the key.

Experts advise to choose a metal door equipped with both a lever and a cylinder lock, and lock it on both locks. If the attacker decides to act by force, the castle lock will save. And if he decides to act by cunning, he will be arrested by a cylindrical one.

Pay attention to the hinges. They can be external and internal. If the hinges are external, for safety reasons it is necessary to put on them the scrapers. For security reasons, the door must be equipped bolts. These are metal pins that prevent it from being knocked out. In addition to crossbars, metal end pins (anchoring system).

For the door is important and the degree of heat and sound insulation. It depends on what is used in the doorsealant. It can be batting, mineral wool, polyurethane foam, macroflex. On the outside of the door, on the edge, an elastic rubber seal should be installed. For additional insulation, you can install two doors: the inner of wood and the outer of the metal.

The external finish of the metal door can be any: it can be powder coating, veneer, MDF, laminate, artificial leather and even an array of wood. Everything depends on your taste and your wallet.

Deciding to choose a metal door, do not try to save: even if you prefer economy-class doors, a quality door can not cost too cheap. You do not need to save on your own safety.

How to choose a metal door
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