How to choose the front door?Good-quality Entrance door gives a feeling of calm and security, becauseso we know that intruders can not enter the house. Choose an entrance door that meets all the security requirements and at the same time aesthetically attractive - the task is not simple. How to choose the right door?

Just a few decades ago in the apartmentsTypical multi-story building entrance doors "by default" were made of fiberboard, chipboard. Of course, anyone could replace the standard doors with any others, but there was not much choice. In our time, the situation has radically changed.

Today, entrance door manufacturers offer a sophisticated consumer models from a wide variety of materials, but no doubt the leaders in popularity are entrance doors from metal. In most cases, such entrance doors are a "sandwich": between the two metal sheets (steel, as a rule) is a filler.

Select the front door made of metal by several important parameters: the reliability of the door, its dimensions and weight, aesthetic appeal. Of course, considerable value when choosing the front door plays and its price.

Metal entrance doors, as already mentioned, are a multilayer structure. Metal sheets in this design usually have a thickness of 1 - 1.5 mm, but there are also exclusive models in which the thickness of metal sheets reaches 3-4 mm.

As fillers in the metal entrance doors can be used wooden bars, mineral wool, foam rubber, foam plastic. The task of these fillers is to provide heat and sound insulation properties of the entrance door. Inside the door leaf structure there are also stiffeners, there may be an additional sheet of metal that strengthens the door. On the perimeter of the doors, as a rule, a special rubber gasket is installed, which allows not to let in the apartment unpleasant smells, such as the smell of cigarette smoke from the landing.

The reliability of the entire construction of the entrance door is determined by the thickness of the metal sheets used in the door leaf, fortress walls, as well as hinges and locks. So, if you need to choose the entrance door to the apartment, then a heavy "monster" of thick sheets of metal you to anything: it is unlikely that attackers will decide to use in an apartment building such means of breaking as a Bulgarian, drill or autogen. But "quietly" can use scrap criminals, so take care that the front panel of the entrance door does not have welds.

The heavier the front door, the greater the load on the door frame and the walls of the doorway. If set too heavy for availablewall entrance door, then the attackers do not even have to open it - along with the box will be broken. In addition, using a heavy door is extremely tedious. Therefore, it makes no sense to "chase" a door that is too heavy, overpaying for it.

The hinges that complete the entrance doors are another step in the security of your home. If loops are available to attackers, then theycan easily be knocked down, for example, by a sledge hammer, after which the door can simply be removed from the hinges. To prevent such a development of events, you should choose an entrance door with hidden hinges or mount special anti-detachable pins into the wall.

In this way, to the choice of the entrance door should be approached very responsibly. And those who are just going to make such an important purchase, certainly will be useful to your advice, your personal experience. Share it!

How to choose the front door?
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