Wooden entrance doorsModern wooden doors produce in differentconstructive designs from panel and paneled to the door of a sturdy construction with thread elements for different plots. On the market there are doors of both domestic and foreign manufacturers. Often, wooden doors are made to order, taking into account the individual requests of the buyer.

Using a tree to produce inputdoors are traditionally aesthetic, and often quite overlap with all the requirements imposed on the door in this particular case. It should be remembered that the array of wood has good sound insulation properties. And the tree is quite warm. And if the increased requirements for the safety of the apartment (cottage) are not presented, then the wooden front door will only decorate your home.

The design of the entrance wooden door should be reinforced. Have a threshold, gaskets, heaters, a locking mechanism, an eye, a pen. The plinth of the entrance door must be made of metal.

Wooden doors are massive, shield or paneled.

Massive wooden doors - a door made of a homogeneous material on the entire thickness of the fabric. Often you can hear that the door is made of 100% of the array.

What does this mean? Literally the following: such a door in all its depth, width and height is made up only of real wood (boards or bars).

Doors made of solid wood are very durable, beautiful andrepresentative. In addition, they perfectly prevent the penetration of sounds from one room to another. When they say "behind closed doors," they mean, of course, these are the doors.

However, they have one unpleasant feature. Even when impregnated with special compounds, tinted and treated with lacquer, they continue to remain alive. Wood "breathes", that is, absorbs or gives away moisture, which is constantly contained in the air in one or another quantity.

As a result, the door with time (and often thisoccurs quickly enough) can deform, crack, change the shade. And this applies both to the door leaf, and to the boxes with the platbands. You can ask, but what about doors in ancient castles, which have been for several centuries? Was the trees different? No, of course, that's not the point.

The main thing was and to this day lies in themanufacturing technology. The more perfect it is, the more durable the door. Wood, not hurrying, dried for at least a few years, kept in special conditions, etc. But those doors, alas, were covered with cracks, lost their original shape and eventually ceased to function as needed. Sooner or later, wooden doors need to be fitted and restored. It's just that it's not felt on a foreign door, only on one's own.

Wooden door as an entrance, perhaps,It is justified only where higher security is not required. For example, in Europe, with round-the-clock security or in dwellings, from which there is nothing to profit. True, and a good wooden door with reliable locks and bolts may not be able even experts.

To reduce the deformation of the doors, the middle partThe door leaf was stopped rigidly fastened to the frame. With a change in temperature and humidity, the average - thinner and light - part of the door freely moves in a massive frame (drifts within a few millimeters). And the more doors that are independently accessible (they are called panels), the better it can withstand various environmental influences. With the same purpose, the panels were given a special shape, and in the end they also became an element of decor.

To resist the harmful effectstemperature and moisture, the most advanced manufacturers are now using the technology of a set array. The wood is sawn along and the bars are obtained. After that, the bars are glued, making sure that the fibers in the adjacent bars have different directions. This technique not only increases the strength, but also significantly reduces deformation and cracking. As a rule, according to this technology, the supporting structures of doors - frames are manufactured.

But, no matter how exquisite in quality they weredoors from a file, they all the same demand certain climatic conditions, stable indicators of humidity and temperature. That is, they can be put in non-air-conditioned rooms, but the result may not be very good. Even if fatal deformations do not happen, and the door itself will still open well and close, it does not mean that its internal elements will remain intact. They will move slightly relative to each other, decrease or increase in size. And this is not a problem if every detail of the door was painted before assembly. But often the doors are painted already assembled. And in this case, due to the change in the dimensions of the constituent elements on the surface of the door, unpainted strips may appear. And such unpleasant adventures happen even with expensive doors, for example, costing one and a half thousand dollars apiece.

The array always has the texture of a natural tree. In order to preserve the natural pattern of wood, it is often tinted than covered with an opaque layer of paint. The most expensive are the massifs of oak, beech, cherry and mahogany. But, for example, the walnut array is cheaper. It is tinted under the oak, cherry, etc. In appearance it is difficult to distinguish, but at a price - the difference is significant.

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