Vitamin E for Hair

Vitamin E is sometimes called the "vitamin of youth": it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, making them healthy and beautiful. Let's talk about what is useful vitamin E for hair and how it is used in cosmetology.
Vitamin E - one of the most famous and important for the body of natural antioxidants. It slows the aging of cells, improvestheir food. Also vitamin E promotes healing of the skin. Therefore, masks with vitamin E are used to treat scalp, strengthen hair, enhance their growth, combat hair loss. Masks with the addition of this vitamin help restore damaged hair and prevent their fragility.
To fully experience all the beneficial properties of vitamin E, you need not only to use it externally, but also make sure that it enters the body with food. This fat-soluble vitamin is contained inoils (both in creamy and vegetable), as well as eggs, liver, milk, meat, herbs and green vegetables, nuts, olives, seeds and germs of cereals. You can also buy in the pharmacy vitamin E in capsules, if the food is not enough.
Having convinced that in your diet this is enoughmiracle vitamin, you can start using vitamin E for hair as a part of masks. You can make masks from vegetable oils rich in this vitamin, but for better effect it is worth additionally adding to them oil solution of vitamin E. It can be purchased at a pharmacy, a solution for external use called "alpha-tocopherol acetate".
Masks for hair with vitamin E
Vitamin mask for hair with the addition of vitaminE help to cure damaged, brittle, over-dried hair, stimulate their growth. They treat the scalp and prevent hair loss. Ready masks with tocopherol can be purchased at pharmacies and cosmetics stores, but there are many home mask recipes. We offer several recipes for hair masks with vitamin E.
Let's start with mask with burdock oil and jojoba oil. Prepare it very simply: take 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil and jojoba oil, add 1 tsp. oil solution of vitamin E. After mixing all the ingredients, apply the mask for the entire length of the hair and wrap the hair with polyethylene. After an hour, thoroughly wash your hair with your favorite shampoo, do not forget about the nourishing balm-rinse. To achieve the desired effect, the mask should be done twice a week for at least a month.
You can use another mixture of hair oils. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. olive, burdock and almond oil and 1 tsp. vitamin E in oil. Further everything is exactly the same as with the previous mask. Note: if you have dry hair, then the mask should not just be spread over the hair, but also rubbed into the roots of the hair and scalp.
Vitamin E can be combined with vitamin A, since these two vitamins enhance each other's action. Vitamin A (retinol acetate) is also sold inpharmacies in the form of an oily solution. Try to prepare the following mask with these vitamins: mix 2 tbsp. l. linseed oil, 1 chicken yolk and 1 tsp. extract of Eleutherococcus. Add 1/2 tsp. vitamins A and E (you can also add vitamin B3 / PP in the same amount). After mixing all the ingredients, apply the mask on your hair, after an hour, rinse with warm water.
Restoring dry and weakened hair will help Yolk mask with vitamin E. She will strengthen her hair and return it to her naturalshine. To prepare the mask, lightly heat 2 tbsp. l. olive or burdock oil, dilute in base oil 1 tsp. vitamin E, then mix this mass with the beaten yolk. Rub the prepared mask into the roots of the hair and leave for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.
Before preparing any masks for hair based on oils Base oil needs to be heated a little on a water bath or in a microwave, so that the oil solution of the vitamin is better dissolved in it. Sometimes in masks add dimexide solution, which promotes better penetrationvitamin in the skin. However, note that dimexide is characterized by an active chemical effect, so before using the drug, be sure to read the instructions.
Vitamin E for hair will make them healthy andshiny, so be sure to keep in your diet foods rich in this vitamin, and as a help, use home-made vitamin masks. Then your hair will always look like it all!