How to take vitamin E in capsules
Vitamin E, or tocopherol, is simply necessary fornormal functioning of the body and its well-coordinated working capacity. It is also called a "female" vitamin, because with its lack, the chances of becoming pregnant and bearing a child are reduced.
Useful properties of tocopherol
If a woman's body regularly receives a daily norm of tocopherol, then:
manifestations of premenstrual syndrome decrease;
Cramps are minimized during pregnancy;
immunity rises and resistance to various viruses and infections increases;
less often the placenta exfoliates;
the function of the ovaries is restored more quickly in case of violations.
In addition, vitamin E:
promotes rapid assimilation of vitamin A;
slows down the aging process;
helps in the fight against atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, hypertension;
Favorably affects the skin, smoothes scars, removes pigment spots, fights wrinkles;
improves blood circulation and normalizes the level of hormones;
gives strength and energy;
makes the body more resistant to various kinds of diseases.
Tocopherol is in the seeds of apples, vegetableoil, milk, sea-buckthorn, spinach, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, broccoli. But since it is a water-soluble vitamin, it is constantly excreted from the body with a liquid. In addition, we do not always have the desire and the opportunity to eat the necessary products in the right quantities. And we risk not only getting headache, fatigue, irritability, but also problems with the reproductive system, metabolic disorders or even muscular dystrophy. Therefore, doctors advise taking vitamin E in capsules or oily solution. The dosage of vitamin E in capsules is more convenient, since you can throw a plate in your purse and take the vitamin when and where you want. Experts advise to take at least 100 mg of tocopherol per day, the dose for pregnant women is doubled, and for residents of disadvantaged areas it is increased fourfold. The duration of the course is from two to three months. But it is better to get more detailed information from the attending physician.
How to take vitamin E in capsules
There are vitamin E synthetic and natural. Natural is more effective and easier to digest. The instruction on the use of vitamin E in capsules is very simple. In each capsule, depending on the form of release, contains 0.1-0.2 g of substance. For adults, the daily norm of the vitamin is 0.2-0.4 g. The duration of administration and the exact amount of the drug is prescribed only by the doctor. Children under 12 years of age are practically not prescribed.
Contraindications for use
The intake of vitamin E in capsules is prohibited together withreception of other iron-containing preparations, with individual intolerance and allergic manifestations (itching, rashes, redness). Also do not recommend drinking the drug when:
exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
in large doses in the first trimester of pregnancy;
various allergic reactions;
stroke or infarction;
ulcerous diseases;
poor blood clotting;
hepatic dysfunction.
Before taking vitamin E capsules, consultfamily doctor. He will prescribe the correct course of treatment and taking Tocopherol. And then you get the most benefit from using the drug and minimize all side effects.