The ABC of a good parent: how to punish a child correctly
Punishment, like praise - the main toolparental influence on the baby. On how it will be, depends on the formation of the child's personality, the degree of his confidence in himself and the ability to build relationships with others. Child psychologists state that punishment can be strict or formal, but regardless of the conditions it must be fair.
Clearly explain the reasons for your decision. A crumb does little to spite, most often it is driven by curiosity, a thirst for knowledge or a banal inattention. He needs to feel, touch, pull, push, taste and touch the objects in his field of vision - so he studies the properties of things and learns to treat them correctly. Do not shout and do not abuse the child in this situation - this will only provoke unnecessary neuroses. Calmly explain the consequences, suggest alternatives, divert attention or let me try again - but already under your guidance.
Establish the limits and proportionality of punishment. You can not manipulate feelings ("I will not love such a whimsical"), intimidate ("you will not obey - I'll give the sorceress"), insult and go to personalities ("what are you stupid", "you lazy"), spank. Such methods can cause strong fright, anxiety, negatively affect self-esteem, emotional stability and communication skills. Use creative motives as punishment: repairing a broken thing, apologizing or cleaning up a mess.
Create a list of rules and strictly enforce it.adhere to. Insecurity and disagreement of parents are not welcome: the kid must understand the cause and effect relationship of misdemeanors and punishments. Reasonable family principles are the guarantee of the child's adequate behavior.