In kindergarten - with joy: three rules of adaptation
"A kindergarten test" a rare familyHonor - morning tantrums, whims and screams exhaust parents and do not pass without a trace for the psyche of the baby. How to make the child go to the kindergarten with pleasure? Children's psychologists state that preparation for an important stage in a child's life should begin in advance.
Shift the emphasis. Mom and Dad tend to worry about the child - how he will transfer the change of the situation, whether the teachers will be sufficiently attentive, whether there will be conflicts with other kids. But one should not show his own concern to the child: he sees the excitement of his parents well and begins to get nervous himself. Talk more often with the baby about the positive aspects: about new toys, friends, whom he will meet, wonderful nannies and tutors. Your enthusiasm, smile and confidence will calm the child and rid you of unreasonable fears.
Provide preliminary training. Adjust the home mode so that it matches the schedule of the garden as much as possible. Especially important is the time of sleep: not every child will immediately get used to waking up at seven in the morning. Take time to familiarize yourself with the "excursion": walk with the baby to the kindergarten, show him the playground, fun playing children, if possible - look inside and say hello to the tutor. So the garden will cease to be for the child a frightening unknown place, but will become something of an interesting country, which one can not wait to get into.
Do not lie. When you bring your baby to the garden for the first time, do not try to suddenly "disappear" when he is distracted. This method will cause the child only negative emotions: dislike of strangers and place, and also - distrust to you. Honestly tell me that you go to work and that you will return when the child has breakfast, play with other children, go for a walk and have lunch. Do not operate for hours and minutes - the baby is not yet able to realize their exact meaning.