How to teach a child to crawl

The development of the infant goes through several stages,each of which he learns new skills: first the child learns to turn from back to belly and back, then - to crawl, sit, stand, walk, etc. However, the child does not always learn these skills on his own, sometimes parents have to help him. How to teach a child to crawl?
Crawling is an important stage in the development of the child. It develops almost all the muscles, improves coordination of movements and motor skills, introduces the child to the process of movement as such. Some parents boast that theirthe child immediately went, bypassing the stage of crawling. Of course, each child has his own individual way of development, but it is crawling that prepares the child's body for walking, so do not just ignore the fact that your child does not crawl.
When does the baby begin to crawl? Each child has this individually: some children begin to consciously creep as early as five months, some start crawling up to eight or nine months, but the "standard" age span is six to seven months. Already starting from four months you can create conditions for the child in which it will be easier for him to learn to crawl.
So, to teach the child to crawl, prepare him a "foothold". Often a child can not crawl because ofspatial restrictions: being constantly in the arena or on the bed, you do not crawl much. Therefore, you need to lay the child on the floor. Naturally, before this, the floor needs to be prepared. Be sure to conduct a wet cleaning in the room, remove all traumatic objects from the floor, protect all sharp corners with special silicone pads. On the floor, put a blanket or carpet.
If the child does not want to crawl, you can push him to it.. First, it is advisable not just to put it onfloor and watch from the side, and sink down next to him to see you. It will be easier for a child to learn a new mode of movement if close people are close by.
Second, you can Use baby toys to stimulate his crawl. Spread some distance from the babyfavorite toys or new items that may interest him, and he will try to reach them. For the same purpose, you can use the ball: roll it in front of the child, gradually the kid starts to push it away, and then will try to get it. Also teach the child to crawl help gymnastics and massage, which you can recommend a pediatrician.
Note that each child crawls in his own way, inhis "individual style", so to speak. Someone first crawls only back, someone prefers to crawl in a plastic way, someone creeps forward, bending under his feet, etc. None of these methods is correct or incorrect, so do not expect from the baby that he will crawl as creeps, for example, the child of your girlfriend. Let the child creep as he wants, your task is to encourage him.
It is very important not to let go of the child's eyes while he learns to crawl. The mastery of a new skill at first frightenschild, so it is very important for him to realize that his mother is always with him and he can return to her at any moment. And then, when he has already mastered the crawl and will not need your help, you still need to watch him: the child will start moving at a fairly high speed, but he will not yet be aware of the danger. So leave the child unattended.
Do not let the baby crawl on the bed. First, he can fall from her. Secondly, it is important from the very early age to give the child to understand that there is a place for sleep and a place for games, otherwise in the future it may be problematic to put him to sleep. So that Crawling child should not be on the bed, but on the floor or in a special spacious arena.
Here in short and all the basic information on how to teach the child to crawl. If your baby does not want to crawl, maybe he's one of those kids who go straight: that happens. Note that such children need to provide additional opportunities for understanding the world, which they are deprived of precisely because they do not crawl: more carry your child in their arms, showing and telling him about what surrounds him.