Child 5 months

You are parents for the fifth month and manybehavioral aspects of your crumbs can alert or even scare. For example, a karapuz can find sexual organs, forget, and with surprise find them again. Or fearlessly explore the world around him, thrusting his fingers into dangerous places or objects. About how to not do harm to your child and on what factors it is important to pay attention, we will discuss this article.

What should a child do in 5 months?

This age is considered the most interesting,because the baby begins to speak the first and desired words "ma-ma." This is more likely to happen by accident, while he learns the initial form of speech - babbling. But said for the first time "na", "ba", "ma" often cause a tear of joy and affection of relatives. Therefore, the crumb will delight you all day long, surprising with new skills.

The main thing that a child should be able to do in 5 months -it is to strive to communicate with adults. Therefore, build games in a dialogical form, because not without reason there is a lot of rhymes and rhymes. If a child develops a speech device well, he begins to repeat simple syllables for you. Do not be surprised if he began to squeak - it's just testing, checking his efforts, because otherwise he will not understand how to form sounds.

In general, the baby by this age already knows how to do the following:

  • with pleasure to consider images, faces and little people in pictures;

  • melodically pull the sounds, turning to babbling;

  • independently engage in the study of toys for 5-10 minutes;

  • to distinguish familiar and unfamiliar faces of people;

  • grab items, hold them in the palm of your hand, pull them to you and throw them;

  • demonstrate vigilance;

  • independently turn from back to tummy, rise on hands and try to sit down;

  • play "ku-ku" with poteshki.

5 months old baby - food and treatment

By this age babies will needadditional volume of iron, because the supply from the mother is already coming to an end. Therefore, at five months the child needs to receive minerals from other sources. If your baby is on artificial feeding, you should choose a formula with a high content of iron, and if the baby is fed breast milk, you need to enter into the diet of iron-containing porridge.

It is best to vary the menu of your crumbs,adding one spoonful of new taste to his diet. Gradually increase the portion, and if the youngster refuses to try a new one, you should wait a week and then repeat this maneuver. Remember that the development of a child in 5 months is characterized by the fact that the baby will eat less often. This is due to the fact that the volume of the stomach increases and at one time the baby consumes more food than before. Usually, children eat food 4-5 times a day.

Child 5 months

Games and child development in 5 months

At this age, you may notice that the babybegins to play: the usual viewing of toys now receive a continuation and the child can throw them on the floor, twirl and bite. These are quite conscious actions that can lead to crumbs for several weeks.

At this age the karapuz can dedicateself-games for about 10 minutes. Undoubtedly, these are not fantasy games in which the script is invented by the child himself, but rather research observations. For this reason, it is necessary to give him the developing subjects, interesting, bright and fascinating look of the baby. In addition, they must be safe.

Correct formation of the child in five monthssuggests that he begins with attention and interest to consider pictures depicting people. Try not just to flip through the pages, but to explain what is depicted on them. Successful education!

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