Swimming pool for babies - early swimming
The breasts in the pool are no longer a wonder. Today, more and more parents are beginning to actively engage in water procedures from the first months of the baby's life. There are even special pools for babies, in which moms and dads can do with their little "swimmers". What is useful to know about swimming pools for babies and early swimming in general?

Early swimming and early learning techniquesswimming is not the same as many parents suppose. Yes, from birth to up to three months the baby retains "swimming" reflexes and is able to hold his breath under water, because in the womb of his mother he was always in the liquid. However, to teach at this age a child to swim as adults understand, is useless. The child just does not learn the right skill. Therefore, early swimming is not a way from birth to teach a child to swim "in a champion way", it pursues very different goals.

What gives early swimming to the child? Swimming is a coordinated work of the respiratory andcardiovascular systems, musculoskeletal system. Therefore, swimming from an early age contributes to the good development of these systems. Water procedures also have a favorable effect on the nervous system of the child, give a quenching effect. And as you know, a tempered organism better resists infections, therefore, "floating" babies have almost no common cold.

Swimming pool for babies - early swimming

Early swimming can be used not just for recreational purposes, but also for treatment some diseases. So, therapeutic swimming is shown to kids with increased excitability, hyper and hypotonic muscles, cerebral palsy, dysplasia of the hip joint. Medical swimming includes special exercises aimed at working with certain muscle groups, and should only be carried out by specialists.

The first lessons of early swimming parents spend with the kid at home, under the guidance of an experienced instructor. And at the age of about 3 months you can go about with a child in special pool. Pools in which babies can swim,differ from the usual ones in that the water in them is purified not by chlorine, but by other, safer ways for the child. The water temperature in the pool for infants is + 34 ° C, the air temperature is not less than + 26 ° C. You can find a special pool for babies in the polyclinic, in the kindergarten. In large cities, there are often separate pools for babies.

To get to the class in the pool, you need references from the therapist, dermatologist and gynecologist for mom anda certificate from the pediatrician for the baby, which confirms that the mother and child can visit the pool. In some basins, experts conduct an on-site inspection and, on the basis of it, issue a permit for swimming. If the certificate in the basin is issued on the spot only "for the sake of formality," then it is worth considering the expediency of visiting such a basin. After all, "sick" children or their parents may be "formally" fit for classes.

For lessons in the pool mom will need swimsuit, cap, soap and washcloth, slippers. For the child will need special tight panties.

Lessons with infants in the pool should not be too long or compulsory. If a child does not like some kind of exercise, if he does not want to be in the water now, you do not need to insist. Swimming should bring the baby and his mom only positive emotions.

Swimming pool for babies - early swimming
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