How to use torrent?
On the Internet, special torrent programs are often used to search and download files of interest. What is a torrent? How to use torrent? The Country of Soviets will tell about this today.
BitTorrent - This is the name of a special network protocol for exchanging files over the Internet. This network protocol refers to peer-to-peer: all members of the torrent network are equal. Peer-to-peer (peer to peer, P2P - peer to peer) architecture, unlike the client-server architecture, allows to maintain the network performance even at high loads.
In torrent networks, files do not lie on any one or more servers. Each node is called a peer and is both a client and a server. Torrent files are downloaded in parts and, after downloading some part of the file, the user immediately "distributes" this part to other network members. This ensures the fastest downloading of files.
To enable Internet users to find the necessary files, there are special torrent trackers. These are the sites on which the participants gathertorrent networks and share data about their files. For example, on the torrent tracker you can find a description of the file you are looking for, find out how many network users have this file in stock, and so on.
To exchange files in the peer-to-peer network, special torrent programs are used. There are a lot of them. Such programs are installed on the user's local computer.
If a user has a file on his computer completely and "distributes" it to other users of the torrent network, then such a user is called cider (seeder), and the file that is distributed, respectively - by the seed. If the user does not have all segments of the file on his computer and downloads it, it is called the lycée.
How to use torrent for downloading files?
First you need to find the desired file or several files on one of the torrent trackers. As a rule, you need to register to access the torrent tracker.
When the searched file is found, for example, usingsearch the site, you need to go to the link to the file. A page with information about the file opens, where, among other things, the ratio of siders to lichars is indicated. Of course, the preference among similar should be given to those files where there are more siders.
On the file information page is presentlink for downloading the torrent file. The size of such a file is about several tens of kilobytes. This file must be downloaded to the user's local computer.
If a torrent client is already installed on the user's computer, then When opening a downloaded torrent file, the client automatically "picks up" the link contained in it and will start downloading the file. You can also use the menu item in the torrent client "Open the torrent" and in the opened window specify the path to the downloaded torrent file. It remains only to wait for the download to finish.
How to use the torrent to distribute files?
First of all, you need to select the file that will be distributed, and place it on the hard disk of the local computer so as to ensure its long-term presence there.
Then follows create a torrent file. In most torrent clients for thisyou need to execute a sequence of commands "File" → "Create a new torrent". You must select the file that will be distributed and click the "Create and save" button (or the like). After that, you will be offered a way to save the torrent file: you can agree or choose your own path.
If the torrent client when creating a torrent fileasks to enter data in the "tracker" fields, then leave these fields blank. When issuing the warning "... you want to continue without a tracker" you should select "Yes".
The window for creating the torrent file should be closed. Now it is necessary to place the created file on the torrent tracker. Most trackers have a button"Upload". It is necessary to press such button and in the appeared window of loading to specify the created torrent-file and to fill in all necessary fields, such as the description of a file, its name, etc.
If everything is done correctly, the user who uploads the torrent file to the tracker will see the distribution in his profile. Now for the user to appear in the listsiders, he needs to open the created torrent file with the torrent client and specify the path to the file being distributed. After that, the distribution of the file will begin and on the tracker the user will appear in the number of distributors.
To use the torrent you need to perform both uploads and distribution of files, since many trackers are present rating of participants - the ratio of downloaded and distributed files. The more files the participant has distributed, the higher his rating and the more he has the ability to download files in the torrent network.
Now you know how to use the torrent, but remember that distributing and downloading files protected by copyright is illegal and carried out at the risk and risk of the participants themselves!