Kidney stones: treatment with folk remedies. Is it possible to cure kidney stones with folk remedies and how to do it.
Doctors consider renal colic one of the moststrong painful sensations, possible in humans, and those patients who fully knew what it is are in full agreement with them. Kidney stones often cause kidney colic - an attack of acute pain is caused by the inability of a normal outflow of urine from the kidneys. The stone gets stuck in the ureter and partially or completely fences it, and besides it damages surrounding tissues with its hard and, sometimes, sharp edges. Folk remedies can help get rid of kidney stones, but it's very important not to harm yourself when applying them. We will tell you what to look for when treating kidney stones with folk remedies.
Symptoms of the presence of kidney stones and the possibility of treatment with folk remedies
Although the exact causes of the appearance of kidney stonesphysicians argue until now, it is known that various metabolic disturbances lead to their appearance. Such violations can be very different, and accordingly, stones also have different chemical composition. The purpose of treatment is to partially dissolve and remove stones from the body, and it can be achieved by a variety of means, including traditional medicine methods.
The use of folk remedies can bringgreat relief, but can also vice versa, to provoke a painful attack of urolithiasis. The whole thing is just in different composition of stones - the means that helped one person to dissolve them, the other can cause the opposite effect. Before choosing a folk remedy for treatment, you need to find out exactly what type and size you have kidney stones.
Kidney stones are not only a serious illness andunpleasant, but also lasting. Even if you have got rid of them, for example, surgically, the probability of their repeated formation is high, this disease is prone to relapse.
To suspect the presence of stones allow:
too frequent urination with a small amount of effluent urine
general deterioration of the condition, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and, sometimes, painful urination
high temperature (up to 38-40 degrees) simultaneously with the appearance in the urine of a precipitate similar to sand or the increase of the stench of urine
appearance in the urine of blood
the appearance of pain in the groin, in the lower abdomen, in the lower back or under the ribs (from the side or from the back)
change in the intensity of pain with a frequency of 20 minutes to an hour
the appearance or intensification of pain after physical exertion, the intake of large amounts of fluid or the intake of diuretics
However, to determine whether these are really stones inkidneys, as well as to find out their nature and size can only the doctor. The fact that these symptoms are typical for a number of diseases, some of which require urgent intervention of the surgeon. So, first of all - an urgent trip to the doctor, and only when the diagnosis of urolithiasis is not in doubt, you can start thinking about the choice for its treatment of folk remedies.
What kind of stones can form in the kidneys?
Any stone formed in the kidney is a mixtureorganic substances and insoluble mineral salts. With the help of folk remedies, it is possible to achieve the destruction of such a stone and the relatively safe removal of its remains together with urine. However, the solubility and shape of the stones depend on their composition.
The most common stones are:
Oxalatite stones. These are dense black formations with spines onSurfaces consisting of salts of oxalic or ascorbic acid. Dissolve them is impossible, large stones are removed surgically. Sometimes folk remedies can achieve natural excretion of oxalates along with urine, but only while they are very small. Usually folk remedies are used to reduce the risk of re-education of such stones.
Phosphate stones. Soft and loose, with a smooth surface, whitestones from salts of phosphoric acid. They dissolve quite easily, including folk remedies, and are amenable to treatment with a special diet.
Carbonate stones. Soft smooth stones of white color, consist of calcium salts of carbonic acid. They also dissolve very easily, with the same means as phosphate stones.
Uranium stones. Brown rounded formations, consisting of salts of uric acid. They dissolve easily and are amenable to various types of treatment. Sometimes a proper diet is enough to get rid of urate stones.
In 70% of cases of urolithiasis inkidneys are formed oxalate and phosphate stones. And in half the cases, different types of kidney stones are detected simultaneously. If a small stone came out in your urine, be sure to take it to your doctor for analysis - this will help determine its type and prescribe the treatment you need.
Less common are stones of other species:
struvite or "kidney corals" - are sometimes called infectious, as they are formed under the influence of pathogenic bacteria
cystine and xanthine - their formation is regulated by hereditary damages of amino acid metabolism
Cholesterol - completely composed of cholesterol
Features of the diet during the treatment of kidney stones
Kidney stones are one of those diseases,the success of treatment which directly depends on the correctness of the chosen diet. Features of nutrition affect the appearance of stones, so diet therapy is one of the ways that you can independently promote your recovery.
Diet in the treatment of oxalate stones
Oxalate stones are formed as a result ofconsumption of foods that contain a lot of vitamin C and a lack of vitamin B6 and magnesium, so one of the risk groups are lovers of the so-called healthy lifestyle, consuming huge amounts of carrots, beets, leafy vegetables and citrus fruits, but not enough meat. The appearance of phosphate and carbonate stones is very likely in those who prefer milk products to other foods, as well as vegetarians. Uranium stones (very often together with gout) threaten, on the contrary, those in whose diet an excess of animal protein, especially in combination with alcohol. Accordingly, the therapeutic diet will provide for a change in the habitual eating style.
If you have formed in the kidneys of oxalate or carbonate stones, adjust the diet as follows:
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If you want to get rid of phosphate stones, the diet should be as follows:
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To heal from urate stones in the kidneys, stick to such a diet:
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Regardless of the type of stones, you should drinkmuch water. It should be pure water in addition to all other liquids - juices, compotes, tea or coffee. It is best if it is soft, with a low content of mineral salts. But distilled water does not work, water should still be natural. It is desirable for a day to drink up to 8 glasses of clean water. This will allow the body to allocate those one and a half liter of urine, which are necessary to get rid of the crystalline salt prone.
The use of folk remedies for the treatment of urolithiasis and getting rid of kidney stones
The best reviews are those populardrugs that allow for the treatment of getting rid of kidney stones. However, you can use them only if the stones are small enough, otherwise the risk of blockage of the urinary duct by the stone is great. Stones up to 3 mm in size are usually called sand, folk medicine can be used almost without restrictions. If the size of the stone is from 3 to 5 mm, it is already necessary to consult a doctor, how it is better to dissolve before removal. If the stone is even larger, it is considered large. If necessary, it will be necessary to extract it if necessary surgically, and folk remedies will help to avoid recurrence of the disease.
Water Impact
Dehydration of the body provokes the formation of kidney stones. To cleanse the kidneys, especially in the summer, conveniently sit in the shade and drink 1 liter of water for 30 minutes.
If you have a tendency to swelling, or if it's just hard for you to drink a whole liter, drink less, but still not less than 500ml.
Throats try to make small, but fast.
Choose a soft and not carbonated water.
Do this regularly, in order to stimulate the formation of urine.
Folk remedies for the treatment of oxalate kidney stones
Because oxalate stones do not dissolve, do nottry to find a way to split them somehow, it can cause renal colic. Small oxalates and sand from the body can be removed with a lot of liquid.
Watermelon with black bread
For 2 weeks, eat watermelons with a small amount of rye bread.
The stones will need to be removed in the evening, from 17 hours to 21 hours, when the kidneys work as efficiently as possible.
Sit in a bath with warm water and eat as much watermelon as you can.
Warm water will expand the ureters, and watermelon will cause severe urination and stimulate the excretion of sand and small stones.
No stones, except for oxalates, can not be deduced by this method.
Also, one should be careful of people with a weak heart and with diseases of the stomach, this procedure is contraindicated for them.
Grape infusion
To prepare the infusion, gather spring young twigs and a mustache of grapes and chop them.
2 teaspoons of chopped branches pour 2 cups of boiling water.
Keep in a water bath for 3 minutes, then pour into a thermos and let it stand for an hour and a half.
Strain and take 4 times a day for a quarter cup.
During treatment, increase the amount of liquid that is drunk during the day by about one and a half times that of the usual one.
Folk remedies for treatment of phosphate stones in the kidneys
Phosphate stones grow rapidly, but soften andFurther dissolution can be relatively easy. However, their appearance means an overabundance in the body of calcium, so the first priority should be given to the diet.
Decoctions from the roots
According to many reviews, decoctions of roots of plants grown on stony ground help to get rid of phosphates. To prepare the broth used:
Collect the roots in autumn, wash them off the ground, dry and grind.
2 tbsp. Spoon the crushed roots with 1 cup boiling water. Cook for 15 minutes. on low heat, allow to cool, then strain.
Drink a third of the glass 3 times a day half an hour after a meal.
Do not allow root decoctions to get on your teeth - they destroy tooth enamel.
Spore infusion
1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry herb sponge, brew a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 40 minutes.
Strain and drink 3 times a day for a third of the glass, after eating.
Herbal Remedies
100 g of corn stigmas
100 g of birch leaves
50 g of juniper berries
50 g of root of steel
50 g of the snake mountaineer's root
50 g of burdock root
Preparation and reception:
Mix all the ingredients, store the collection in a tightly closed jar in a dark place.
1 tbsp. spoon collection pour 1 glass of boiling water.
Boil for 15 minutes. on low heat, let cool and strain.
Drink 1 glass a day 3 times a day.
Infusion of leaves of grapes
1 tbsp. Spoon a dry grape leaves with a glass of boiling water.
Allow to stand for 20 minutes, then strain.
Drink the infusion 2 times a day for half a cup.
Folk remedies, helping to get rid of urate kidney stones
Formed by salts of uric acid uratefairly easily dissolve when using folk remedies. However, you should still be careful. Too large urates are as dangerous as other stones in the kidneys. Before using folk remedies, be sure to check with your doctor.
Apple tea with lemon
Peel the sour apples and dry the peel, then rastolkite it in powder in a mortar or in a coffee grinder.
Lemon scalded with boiling water, cut into thick rings and sprinkle with sugar. Keep in the fridge.
2 teaspoons of apple powder pour 1 cup of boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes.
Add a ring of lemon, along with sugar-soaked sugar, into the drink, stir.
In addition to lemon in apple tea you can add honey and ginger.
Drink like regular tea, up to 5 times a day for a glass. You can use this tool for 2 weeks in a row.
Brewed oats
4 tbsp. Spoon the oats in the husks rinse with cold water.
In the evening, put the washed oats in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water.
Let it brew for 12 hours, then wipe the oats through a fine sieve. Sieve is best used metal.
Kashitsu, which you will get, eat for breakfast, without adding to it neither salt nor sugar.
Onion broth
1 kg of blue onion
0.5 L of fresh milk
Preparation and reception:
Peel onion and finely chop.
Pour onion with milk and boil on low heat for 10 minutes, then strain.
This amount of decoction is enough for you for a day. Drink it before eating, divided into 3 divided doses.
Drink such a decoction for a week in a row, then take a break for 5 days and repeat the course.
Heather infusion
1 tbsp. Spoon the heather in a thermos and pour boiling water in the amount of 0.5 liters.
Insist 12 hours, then strain.
Drink 3 times a day before meals for 0.5 glasses.
Deciduous infusion
100 g of currant leaves
100 g of strawberry leaves
50 g of wormwood
50 g of chopped parsley root
Preparation and reception:
Mix all the ingredients, put in a dark place in a tightly closed container for storage.
1 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with a glass of boiling water.
Insist 30 minutes, then strain.
Drink 2 tablespoons. spoons before meals 4 times a day.
Chicken navels
40 pcs. uncooked chicken stomachs (chicken navels)
2 tbsp. spoons of sporality
2 tbsp. spoons of flaxseed
Preparation and reception:
Chicken stomach rinse well and remove from theminner film, only she will be used. Dry the film on a tracing paper or white paper 3-5 days before brittle condition, then bake into powder in a coffee grinder. Add crushed sponges and crushed flaxseed.
Eat 1 teaspoon of the mixture for 30 minutes. before eating, drink water.
10 consecutive days, eat the mixture 3 times a day, then take a break for 10 days.
Next 10 days, take the mixture 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening. Then again, take a 10-day break.
And another 10 days, eat 1 teaspoon of the mixture in the morning. 50 days - duration of one course of treatment.
In total it is necessary to spend 3 courses of treatment with a break between courses of 20 days.
During treatment, alcohol is completely excluded from the diet.
Egg with lemon
1 chicken egg
1 cup of boiled water
1 medium lemon
Preparation and reception:
Wash the egg with soap and soap (use only baby or household soap).
Pour the egg with boiled water for 12 hours.
Scald the lemon with boiling water and squeeze out the juice from it.
Remove the egg, break it and mix until smooth, but do not whisk.
Add the water in which it was infused and the lemon juice into the egg.
Drink the resulting mixture before breakfast.
Use this tool you need a week in a row, but it is suitable only for those who have no problems with the stomach.
Treat folk remedies with kidney stones, do not allow relapse of the disease and be healthy!
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