Treatment of a fungus with folk remedies
Summer, rest, good mood ... You are relaxing on the beach, visiting the pool in the resort hotel, doing a bright summer pedicure in the salon. Here it is paradise! And did you know that much

risk their health? And what can you catch a fungus unexpectedly? How to avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon? Treatment of a fungus with folk remedies, preventive maintenance of disease and some more useful recommendations - about it speech in our article.

Fungal diseases of nails and skin (mycosis) belong to the group of infectious diseases. Mycoses are caused by pathogenic bacteria-fungi, which, settling on the body

man, begin to parasitize.

Recognizing the defeat of the skin by fungi is not always easy. After all, redness, itching, tightening of the skin, peeling can be signs of many diseases.
But the main symptoms of infection of the skin with a fungus - a cracks in the interdigital folds, bubbles with a clear liquid, burning sensation and soreness in the area

skin lesions.
Unlike the skin fungus, the nail fungus is easier to recognize - the nail plates change color and shape, become brittle and crumble.

During the research it was found out that men are most susceptible to fungal disease. Promote the appearance of fungus: prolonged wearing of uncomfortable shoes,

made of artificial materials; some diseases in which the flow of blood to the legs decreases (diabetes mellitus); leg injuries; elderly age; immunodeficiency

state. The risk of catching a fungus and people of certain professions - athletes, servicemen, miners, steelworkers, industrial workers, personnel of power plants

and etc.

For the reproduction and development of the fungus, a moist environment is necessary. That's why wet shoes or increased sweating of the feet contribute to the fastest

infection with fungi of skin and nails. Infect fungus can be in the swimming pool, in the gym, in the shower, in the bathroom and in the bath. "Catch" a fungus is possible, even

if you just walk on the wet floor barefoot. The disease can spread through common objects, as well as occur with a decrease in immunity. Infection

fungus does not mean low hygiene rights.

Fungi bacteria freely experience low temperature. They retain the ability to provoke the disease even after defrosting. Spores of fungus survive

drying and even the use of certain disinfectants, remain viable for years (on rugs, shoes, etc.). And if you get on the skin of a person in

favorable conditions acquire the ability to reproduce and grow.
But under the influence of temperature at 75 degrees and above, pathogens perish within 15 minutes. And when boiling, fungi die almost immediately. That's why the doctors

recommend in the treatment of fungus boil laundry and iron clothes sick person with a hot iron.

Treatment of fungus provides for an integrated approach. Depending on the results of the tests and the severity of the disease, the doctor prescribes external antifungal

means and medicines for internal use.

What happens if the fungus is not treated? Fungus is a living organism, it develops, multiplies, breaking the skin and nails. Even without affecting the aesthetic

side of the issue, you need to remember that the fungus is an infectious disease, and they can infect their relatives and friends. Fungal affected skin is an open gate for others

serious infections. If immunity is weakened, a fungus with blood can get into internal organs, and this is more than dangerous.

We hope that you have experienced all severity and risk of fungal disease. Therefore, observing the precautionary measures and certain rules of hygiene,

can significantly reduce the risk of infection.

Prevention of fungal diseases

  • Wherever you are - on the beach, in the pool, in the bath - do not go barefoot. Wear rubber slippers.

  • If you have damaged the nail or skin, do not visit public places without covering the wound with a band-aid.

  • Do not use someone else's shoes and do not borrow your own.

  • Do not use other people's manicure tools, towels, socks.

  • In the manicure room, make sure that the master has washed his hands and disinfected the tools after the previous customer.

  • Daily change socks, tights. It is desirable that their composition was made of natural materials.

  • Wear comfortable shoes made of natural materials, so as not to create feet "greenhouse" effect.

  • Wash your feet in the morning and evening, carefully wiping them with a towel.

  • If you suspect a fungus infection, use an antifungal ointment, but it's best to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

If the tests showed that the infection with the fungus did occur, then in addition to the medicines prescribed by the doctor,

use and folk remedies to quickly alleviate their condition.

Treatment of a fungus with folk remedies

Iodine. Apply to the affected nails twice a day 1 drop of pharmacy iodine. For prevention, treat adjacent healthy nails several times a week. When

the positive effect of the treatment will feel a slight burning around the nail. Treat this way the fungus should be about 3-4 weeks.

Propolis - an excellent tool for the treatment of fungus. Moisten the cotton pad with the pharmacy tincture of propolis and attach to the sick nail. Secure with adhesive tape.

Repeat the procedure daily. It is possible that the sick nail will come down, and instead of it a new and healthy one will appear.

Celandine. Lubricate the affected nails with fresh celandine juice three times a day for 3 months.

Onion. Rub the sore spots with onion juice or apply rubbed flesh to the affected areas, fixing with a bandage. Periodically replace with fresh


Carrot juice with vinegar. Mix 1 tablespoon fresh carrot juice and 1 tablespoon vinegar essence. Impregnated with such a composition swab lubricate the affected

Skin areas, without affecting the healthy skin.

Apple vinegar. In case of mycosis, stop the feet thoroughly in strong apple cider vinegar. Go to sleep in vinegar-soaked socks, wrapping them in polyethylene.

Of course, treatment of the fungus with folk remedies will not give an instant result, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the person, his immunity and the complexity of the disease. But

throw medication in the middle in any case impossible. And, by the way, try to walk in the summer barefoot on the morning dew. This folk remedy also helps to get rid of

fungus, and many other diseases.

Be healthy, beautiful and happy!

Treatment of a fungus with folk remedies
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