Massage with flat feet
Flatland - fairly commona disease that is diagnosed from childhood. Many mothers are faced with this disease in their children. For his treatment, it is necessary to wear special orthopedic shoes, which can be bought in specialized stores or pharmacies or made to order in orthopedic centers. Effective in this disease is swimming and, of course, foot massage with flat feet, which can be carried out both in massage rooms and at home. The main thing is to master the technique of carrying out this procedure.
Massage with flat feet
This procedure is aimed at reducing the loadin certain groups of muscles of the foot, which is formed due to incorrect formation of the feet. After a session in the shin and foot, the blood circulation is restored, muscle tone comes to tone.
Foot massage with flat feet is directed not onlyon the muscles of the feet, but also on the ligaments of the arch. Do not forget about the muscles of the ankle. Doctors-orthopedists strongly recommend combining the massage course with a visit to the pool, therapeutic gymnastics and the purchase of orthopedic shoes, which will fix the leg in the correct position and will not allow the foot to further deform. In addition, to bring the muscles of the soles into a tone advise walking on an uneven surface, grass, pebbles. For the house you can buy a special massage mat or create it yourself. The complex of such procedures has a beneficial effect on the condition of the leg muscles.
Massage with flat feet in children whose videoyou can view from us, is a set of treatment procedures. From a one-time session you will not feel any effect, but regular exercise will give a good result. The duration of the session is from 5 to 10 minutes, preferably every day. The course consists of at least 12 procedures.
Doctors recommend, before proceeding to the session, to massage the lumbar region well, because it is in the lower back that the lower extremities are provided with nerve cells.
Massage with flat feet in childrenit is advisable to start with the toes, then massage the foot, climbing to the gastrocnemius muscle and end the session with a massage of the knees. Start the session with a slight stroking, then perform zigzag, straight, spiral and circular rubbing. Also grinding with burdening is also good. Pay special attention to massaging the gastrocnemius muscles.
During massage, the feet should be guided fromfingertips to the heel. And during the massaging of the lower leg we move from the arch of the foot to the knee. The massage zone can be stroked, rubbed, kneaded, squeezed, squeezed, pressed and smoothed.
It is desirable that foot massage with flat feet atchildren did a professional, but, unfortunately, not every parent has the opportunity to drive his child to the clinic or to invite a massage therapist to the house. In this case, you can massage yourself. There are many various devices for massaging the legs in this disease. Massage balls, rugs and rollers can be purchased at medical stores. These items will help you to diversify the procedure and achieve a better result. Do not forget about the exercises with flat feet in children, without them the effect of the massage will be much weaker.