Massage with flat feet

When flatfoot, the shape of the foot changes. Normally, the foot has a vaulted shape, and with flat feet longitudinal and transverse arches of the foot drop. Flat feet can be congenital and acquired due to various reasons - from injuries to walking in uncomfortable shoes on the "hairpin".
Flat feet can be accompanied by pain in the legs and back, changes in gait and posture, deformationfeet, and in some cases - and knee joints, disproportionate development of muscles, the development of ingrown nails. For relief of pain and treatment of flat feet, among other methods, massage with flat feet is used.
Massage with flat feet not only helps relieve pain in the legs. Such a massage improves blood and lymph circulation, strengthens and tones muscles. Someone even believes that massage withPlatypodia favorably affects the condition of the body as a whole due to the effect on the biologically active points on the feet. We will neither refute nor confirm this theory - we will better tell our readers how to do a massage with flat feet.
Doing massage with flat feet, pay special attention to Massage of the muscles and ligaments of the arch of the foot, but do not forget about the muscles of the shins. In addition to massage, therapeutic gymnastics is also used. The purpose of these procedures is the same: to strengthen the musculoskeletal apparatus of the arch of the foot, the muscles of the shins, to lower the hypertension of the muscles, to improve blood circulation, to help get rid of the pain and fatigue.
Massage with flat feet should be done regularly - only in this case it will be reallyeffective. Before going directly to the massage of the legs, usually massage the lumbar region. The fact is that the muscles of the lower extremities are controlled by nerves originating in the lumbar spinal cord. Therefore, without a lower back massage, a foot massage can be ineffective.
There are several different complexes of massage, slightly different set of andconsistency of exercises. It is difficult to say which of these complexes is more effective - it all depends on the degree of flatfoot and the individual characteristics of the patient. Massage with flat feet can be performed in this order:
Calf muscle - Achilles tendon - outer side of lower leg - back of foot - sole - calf muscle - again sole.
Or in such:
Preparatory massage along the entire length (from the base of the toes to the knee joint) - the outer side of the shin - the back side of the shin - the sole - the elevation of the thumb.
The calf muscles are usually massaged from the ankle joint to the knee, and the foot from the toes to the heel. The most commonly used massage techniques - stroking, squeezing, kneading, grinding, squeezing, smoothing, chopping, pressing. Massage with flat feet usually lasts 5-10 minutes.
If there is no one nearby who could regularly massage you, you can use self-massage techniques. These include stroking, rubbing,kneading and tapping of the lower leg. Particular attention should be paid to the inner surface of the shin. The foot is massaged with stroking and rubbing movements on the back surface of the bent fingers.
You can do a massage with flat feet using special massage devices: mechanical massagers, massage balls, massage rollers and massage mats. Of course, they do not replace a full-fledged manual massage of all muscles, but can be an excellent help.
Massage with flat feet contraindicated in vascular disorders and skin diseases. In this case, the doctor must choosean individual plan of flatfoot treatment. In addition to massage and gymnastics in the treatment of flat feet, contrasting foot baths with herbal infusions or sea salt are used.
We want to remind you that it is not worthwhile to engage in self-medication with flat feet. The best thing consult a doctor, which determine the degree of flatfoot byX-ray images and not only will prescribe a massage with flat feet, but also explain what kind of massage techniques, in what sequence and technique should be used. In addition, massage techniques can be used to flatfoot prevention.