How to do a baby massageMassage for a young child is a must. The physical touch of the mother very well develops the central nervous system. Therefore, light massage for children up to a year, pediatricians always recommend starting from the very first days of the child's life. The country of the Soviets will tell, how to do baby massage.

Massage for an infant can be done every day. But it is worth remembering that during the infectious diseases, skin rashes, with hernia, rickets during the exacerbation and congenital heart disease, you can not do the massage.

Gymnastic exercises and massage spend only 6-7 minutes a day. Make sure your child responds well to massage. If for some reason the child does not like the massage, it should be stopped. There are also some rules about how to do a baby massage.

For massage, you must choose a hard surface. Ideal for a changing table orkitchen. Put a blanket on it, and a rubberized sheet and a diaper on top. Do not start the massage before 30-40 minutes after eating. During the massage, you should avoid the area of ​​the liver and genital organs. If the child lies on his stomach, you can not pat the baby in the kidney area.

Before you do the massage, make sure that the room is well ventilated and it is not too hot or cold in it. The ideal temperature for the massage is + 22 ° C. Massage for children up to a year is done by stroking. You can stroke your hands, legs, back and stomach. Movements should be smooth, slow and easy. Do not forget that the massaged surface should be slightly pressed.

Stroking the child, we must move along the lymph flow to the nearest lymph nodes. Handles should be stroked from the brush to the axillaryhollows. Legs stroked from the feet to the groin of the child. When stroking the abdomen, the liver area should be avoided. And if you stroke the back of the baby, you can not massage the spinal column. Go only along the vertebra. Stroking massage improves blood flow to tissues and internal organs. Also, such a massage helps relieve pain, relax the muscles and soothe the child.

Children's massage for up to a year can also be carried out in the form of grindings. Finger pads make spiralor rectilinear movements. Rubbing very well affects the muscles, skin, ligaments and tendons. Kneading very well calms the nervous system and activates blood circulation. Mask skin of the child should be vigorous enough, but gently and gently.

There are several types of movements for massage, which can be done for children up to a year and after.

«Hang-glider"- calms the child and strengthens the current of lymph. To perform this massage, you need to stroke the child from the sacrum to the armpits.

«Hot trail"- with the ribs of the palms rubbing a narrow strip along the spine. During rubbing, the skin should turn pink.

«Geese". Such a massage is done by pinching the skin all over the back. Particular attention should be paid to the area of ​​shoulder blades, shoulders and along the spine. In a similar way, the movements "Chickens". Only this time you do not need to pinch the baby, but tap.

«Spiral". With the help of spiral movements move from the sacrum to the neck of the child along the spine. During this massage you need to feel every vertebra.

«The Wave"Can only be done when the child's skin is alreadyis heated. In this case, the massage will be painless. Grabbing the wrinkled skin with your fingers, it is quickly sorted out. Thus they move from the sacrum along the spine to the shoulders and armpits.

In addition to massage, the child also needs gymnastics. Handles and legs of the baby can be bent at the knees andelbows, to breed them in different directions. Very useful is the "strength training" of the baby. When the child lies on his back, stretch out the thumbs of your hands. He will grab hold of them. Begin gently pull the child to yourself. Closely monitor the strength of the child. As soon as you feel that the grasp of the child is weakening, it must be put back on the bed.

And in the cold season you can do foot massage. Especially such massage is effective if the childcaught a cold. It is proved that there are a lot of biologically active points on the human foot. Influencing them with the help of massage, you can improve the work of the internal organs and the baby's well-being. Holding the foot of the baby in one hand, draw the "eight" on the sole with your fingers. You can also rub the heel of the child and each finger separately.

As you can see, massage is very useful for a child. It will bring a lot of pleasant sensations to your baby. Moreover, now you know how to do a child massage.

How to do a baby massage
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