Massage of legs with swelling during pregnancy
For a woman, the period of pregnancy is the most importantstage in her life, because she is responsible not only for herself, but also for the baby. Therefore, whatever the future mother does, one way or another affects the health of the fetus.
In the first twelve weeks (I trimester), any procedure is only for the doctor's prescription.
In the second trimester for improving well-beingmassage is recommended. Sick places of all future mothers often have a lower back, joints and legs. An integral part is an unstable emotional background. The best thing with such ailments is a light massage. But is it possible to do massage during pregnancy? Only your PCP can answer this question. Having excluded all pathologies and doubts, experts recommend massazherapapiyu some parts of the body, namely:
cervical and back, which helps to relieve tension and fatigue;
lower limbs with edema and for the prevention of varicose veins;
mammary glands at the beginning of lactation (with a large stay of milk).
When do I need a massage?
Every second woman in the state complains aboutpain and swelling after walking. The reason for this is a violation of the fluid balance. The increasing uterus presses on the main vessels in the small pelvis, from this - improper blood circulation in the lower parts, its outflow is difficult and lymphostasis occurs - fluid retention in the body. It is necessary to turn to the gynecologist, as swelling of the legs can be a sign of pathology. Moderate swelling in most cases is safe for the mother and fetus, it's just the result of physiological processes. For prevention and removal of fatigue, a foot massage is recommended.
Contraindications are:
Increased body temperature.
Infectious or viral diseases.
High blood pressure.
Skin diseases.
Autoimmune disorders.
Tumors of different localization.
Massage rules
Choose a convenient position for you (often sitting or lying on your side), take pre-cooked oils and a towel.
Massaging has its own sequence: the first stage - warm-up of the feet, then - ankles, then shanks and calves, at the end - hips.
Do not forget about the relaxing function of physiotherapy: no pressure.
Focus on muscles that are often cramped.
Move from the vessels to the nearby lymph nodes.
Include in the procedure circular rotation and flexion-extension of the feet.
The duration of the session is limited to 10-15 minutes.
What not to do during a massage
Lying on the stomach (second and third trimesters of pregnancy).
When kneading muscles do not need to affect the lymph nodes.
When varicose veins need to be carefully performed rubbing on the affected areas.
Eliminate shock and vibration techniques.
Separate attention deserves a foot massage, On which the points responsible forset of organs and systems. Activation of these sites not only reduces swelling in the extremities, but also relieves nausea, back pain, etc. Another type of foot massage is a hydromassage bath with aromatic oils.
Physiotherapeutic procedures in the homeconditions for the future mother is not only a way to relax, but also improve metabolism, speed up detoxification, normalize kidney and heart function. Remember: when you feel more comfortable, you, in turn, protect a new life!