Foot massage at home
Probably, every person is aware ofown experience that if the legs hurt, then the whole body suffers. In whatever field we are working, the load on the muscles of the lower limbs is always great. Weakening the muscle tone of our legs leads to venous stasis, which in turn can lead to thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. And since the legs are also one of the most attractive parts of the body of the beautiful half of humanity, many girls care and care for them no less than for their face. Foot massage at home includes the massaging of feet, shins, knees and hips.
Foot massage
The people of India have a saying: "Health comes from your feet." And it's hard not to agree with her, because our state of health largely depends on the condition of our feet. If the muscles of the foot are weakened, then in the course of time flat feet can develop. This ailment has a detrimental effect on posture, walking and even on the functioning of internal organs.
On our soles there are zones thatdirectly related to our internal organs. By treating them correctly and by performing foot massage, the video of which you can view on our website, you will get rid of many problems related to your health.
Anatomically, our foot consists of two parts:
internal (sole);
external (back side).
Massage the feet should start with strokingrear side, moving from the fingers to the shins. Produce straight, zigzag, spiral and circular rubbing along the metatarsal gaps. Effective grinding with burdening. Place your thumbs on the sole, and the rest - in the interosseous gaps. The procedure should be started from the fingers, slowly moving upwards to the foot.
It's no secret that there areSpecial points, influencing which, we can influence the whole organism. It is believed that at our feet there are about 72 thousand biologically active points, which are associated with all systems and internal organs. Massaging these points, we affect the health, improve and strengthen health, maintain a good physical shape. During massage, the sole can be stroked, rubbed, kneaded, and also used to receive vibration.
Foot massage with flat feet is recommendedperform in conjunction with therapeutic gymnastics. During the procedure, pay attention not only to the mice of the foot, but also to the ankle. The session lasts from 5 to 10 minutes, it is necessary to pass a course consisting of at least 12 procedures, which should preferably be done daily.
Massage of gastrocnemius muscle
Due to the fact that the muscles of the leg are located in theseveral layers, to obtain a good result, massage requires some effort. The procedure is carried out with both hands and includes the basic techniques. It is necessary to go from the bottom up.
Start massaging better with stroking, thenperform kneading, then - squeezing and vibration. Massage of the gastrocnemius muscle, the video of which you can see, is an excellent prevention of varicose veins, which is especially important for people who spend most of the day on their feet.
Ankle joint is aconnection of the foot with the bones of the shin. Massaging starts from the front, then smoothly go to the sides and finish with a massage of the back surface. Stroking and rubbing are effective. Rubbing should be carried out with rectilinear, circular, spiral movements, and also with burdening. Recently, popular among beautiful ladies has become a massage for slimming your legs and thighs at home. This procedure helps to get rid of such an unpleasant ailment as cellulite.
Foot massage at home - prettyeffective procedure that will save you from many problems with your health, relieve fatigue from the lower limbs, accumulated for the whole day, and also will lift your spirits.