How to quickly cure a throat at home? Spring has come and is increasingly beginning to meltsnow, and so close to the drenched legs, and there and before the cold: there is pain and a sore throat. But there is no time to get sick in our time, and who will like to go to bed for a week. Therefore, of course, I want to be cured as soon as possible. The country of the Soviets will tell how and how to treat the throat at home.

Pain and choking in the throat occur whenhis mucous irritated. To provoke irritation mucous bacteria and viruses can, and it is necessary to eliminate this irritation, and also those bacteria or viruses that caused it. At the same time to begin treatment of the throat is necessary even at the very first signs of the disease, so as not to stretch the time of illness. To treat the throat at home, you can resort to rinsings, inhalations, foot trays, rubbing.

1. Rinses

So, you can rinse your sore throat with decoctions andinfusions of herbs: sage, chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus. Also for rinsing the sore throat is useful "sea water": in 1 glass of warm water you need to dissolve 1 tablespoon of table salt, add 1 teaspoon of soda and a few drops of iodine.

2. Inhalations

Inhalations are usually performed as follows: you should bend slightly over the tank with a decoction or infusion for inhalation and for a few minutes inhale the heated curative air, covered with a blanket or towel. If the house has a household inhaler, then you can also use it.

For inhalation, medicinal herbs are usually used: sage, eucalyptus, chamomile, calendula. In addition, for inhalations, you can boil potatoes, mash it and add a teaspoon of soda - above this mixture you need to breathe for 10 minutes. Hot steam warms up your throat well, and the bactericidal substances contained in it eliminate pathogens and promote a speedy recovery.

3. Foot baths

Foot baths help to cure the throat, becauseThere are many reflex points in the feet. For example, leg wells with mustard are good: in hot water, in which mustard powder is dissolved, you need to dip your feet and keep for about 10-15 minutes, pouring hot water as it cools. After the bath you need to wipe your feet dry, wear warm woolen socks. It is advisable to make foot baths before going to bed.

4. Strengthening of immunity

Admission of vitamins and restorativespromotes recovery, so you should take vitamin preparations or products rich in vitamins: black currants, citrus fruits, raspberries. Good health-improving, as well as immunostimulating effect is med. To treat the throat it is useful to drink tea with honey, warm milk with honey.

Cure the throat with neither rinsing, nor withusing other home remedies will not succeed if the cause of pain and sore throat is not a cold, but a different disease. Therefore, even if it seems that the only cause of pain in the throat is a mild cold, do not neglect the doctor's advice, in fact, the cause may be a much more serious illness, for the treatment of which you will need powerful medications.

Always remember that self-medication can be dangerous to health!

How to quickly cure a throat at home?
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