Lavender oil in aromatherapy

Lavender oil is extracted from inflorescences lavender narrow-leaved. The homeland of this evergreen shrub -Mediterranean, but they cultivate lavender in many countries, including Russia (on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus) and Ukraine (in the Crimea). Useful properties of lavender oil were known to the ancient Greeks and Romans.
Lavender oil is used not only in aromatherapy, but also in the manufacture of cosmetics and perfumes, in the alcoholic beverage industry and cooking. It is a part of medical preparations possessing myo- and neurotropic activity, and inhalation liquids used for the prevention of colds.
Lavender oil, like many other essential oils, is a natural antiseptic. Due to its bactericidal properties, the solutionlavender oil is used to treat wounds. The weighty advantage of this oil lies in the fact that it stimulates the healing of wounds, after which there are no gross scars on the skin. Essential oil of lavender is used to treat skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, other forms of dermatitis), t. it reduces inflammation. Also, lavender oil calms the pain with burns.
In addition, the antiseptic properties of lavender oil make it possible to use it as antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antiparasitic agents. It helps with infectious diseases - in this case it is most often used for inhalations. A foot bath with lavender oil will help fight the fungus on legs.
Lavender oil is useful for hypertensive patients - it lowers blood pressure. It can be used as analgesic and antispasmodic with rheumatism, muscle spasms, painful periods and migraines. Lavender oil stimulates the circulation of blood and lymph in the body, favorably affects the digestive system, stimulates immunity.
In folk medicine lavender oil (or rather, its alcohol solution)have also been used to treat neurasthenia, migraine, cardiovascular disease, pyelonephritis and urolithiasis. When inflammation of the joints are often recommended therapeutic bath with lavender oil.
It is believed that lavender oil is very useful for women's health: it helps to normalize the hormonal background inthe time of pregnancy and menopause, alleviates the condition during painful periods. But, despite the fact that lavender essential oil is allowed to use during pregnancy (unlike most other essential oils), we advise them not to abuse: the body of a pregnant woman is quite unpredictable.
Like oil ylang-ylang, lavender oil has a powerful psycho-emotional impact. It helps fight emotionaldisorders (insomnia, nervousness, stressful conditions, depression) and a sense of fatigue. Also aroma lamp with lavender oil will help to improve concentration of attention.
In cosmetology Lavender oil is used in masks forHair, preventing the appearance of dandruff and hair loss. It is also used to care for inflamed and oily skin, to fight acne and to treat sunburn.
Lavender oil can be used in various ways:
3-5 drops of oil for 5 m2 area for the aroma lamp;
5 drops of oil for aroma (do not forget to use an emulsifier - in water the oil will not dissolve);
3 drops of oil per 1 tbsp. sea salt for foot bath;
7-8 drops of oil per 10 g of base when handling wounds;
3-5 drops of oil for 10 grams of shampoo for combating dandruff and hair loss;
2-3 calories of oil on the aroma- medallion;
1-3 drops of oil on clothing to protect against insects (mosquitoes, moths).
Lavender oil is not recommended if you have an individual intolerance. To check this, apply a couple drops of oilon your wrist and wait a couple of hours. If no negative reaction is observed - you can safely embark on aromatherapy. Lavender oil can not be taken simultaneously with products that contain iron and iodine.