
To strengthen your health and forget aboutcolds, there is an old tried and tested tool. Remember, in the old Soviet song it is sung: "Temper yourself, if you want to be healthy ..."? That's it, hardening is our key to health. But do all of us know how to properly temper?

Speaking about hardening, many imagine an ice hole or an ice shower. But in fact, the term "hardening" is much broader than dousing with cold water.

If expressed in scientific language, then hardeningcalled the system of training of human thermoregulatory mechanisms, which includes procedures aimed at increasing the body's resistance to both supercooling and overheating.

The main goal of hardening is adaptationorganism to the conditions of the external environment. Under repeated exposure to heat, cold and sunlight, the body activates its protective forces, improves the work of all organs and systems.

Pledge of efficiency of hardening procedures -strict adherence to the principles of hardening. The most important of these principles is the gradual increase in the effect of hardening factors. This means that the temperature should be lowered (increased) gradually, while increasing the exposure time.

The second principle of hardening is the regularity and continuity of procedures. Even short breaks reduce the quenching effect, and breaks of 2-3 months reduce this effect to nothing.

Another important principle of hardening -conformity of procedures to individual features and capabilities of the body. Susceptibility to the effect of quenching factors is very individual and not strong enough, or, on the contrary, too strong impact will not give the desired effect.

And, finally, the combination of different hardeningfactors, as well as local and general hardening - is another important principle. However, one should remember the principle of intermittence and do not forget that between the various hardening effects a break is required for the complete restoration of the body temperature regime.

One of the most famous and popular hardening procedures are dousing with cold water, rubbing, contrast shower, walking barefoot, walrus.

Remembering the principle of gradualness, beginners should notimmediately embark on douches or walruses - this is too much work for the body. Therefore, it is recommended to start hardening procedures with rubbing.

Wiping is done by a terry mitten ortowel, which are moistened with water indifferent (neither cold nor hot, about 34-36 ° C) temperature. Consistently wipe your hands, back, chest, legs. In conclusion, the entire body until light redness rubbed with a dry towel. Then every 3-5 days it is necessary to lower the water temperature by 1-2 ° C. Within two to three months the temperature gradually decreases to 10-12 ° C.

To dousing with water you can go after a couple ofmonths after the beginning of the wiping. It is also necessary to start with a temperature of 34-36 ° C. Consistently poured the arms, chest, back, head, and then the rest of the body. As well as during wiping for 2-3 months, the water temperature for douches should be gradually reduced, bringing it to 12-14degS. After dousing, rubbing and self-massage is done.

In the summer, swimming in open water -an excellent alternative to dousing. After all, the organism is affected by several hardening factors: water, fresh air, and sunlight. In addition, swimming perfectly strengthens the muscles of the whole body.

In summer, you can safely conduct another hardeningprocedure - walking barefoot. It is useful to walk on the grass, small pebbles - it guarantees not only pleasant sensations, but also a good portion of recovery for the body. However, you should not forget about caution and look carefully at your feet. Broken glass or a rusty nail can cause great harm.

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