Therapeutic massage for infants
The word massage comes from a French massage,from the Arabian "masses" - "to touch." This is a mechanical effect on the surface of the body or a specific organ for a specific purpose (be it curative, preventive, hygienic, etc.). Effects include stroking, rubbing, patting, pressure, vibration in a certain surface of the human body, both with the help of hands and special devices. Considering the purpose of the procedure, they distinguish such types: cosmetic (hygienic), self-massage, sports, medical or medical.
What is a medical massage?
The most important for human health is considered to bemedical massage. Its benefits are invaluable both for newborns, because there is intensive growth and development of the body, and for young people suffering from various diseases. It is also valuable for athletes who have received traumas of various etiologies, and for people of advanced age with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory system, etc.
Medical or therapeutic massage - systeminfluences on the human body, which help to relax and calm tensioned muscles and tonification is not sufficiently tightened. They can cheer up or relax the patient's body. With the help of medical manipulations, the doctor reduces the amount of lactic acid in the muscles, which is the cause of pain, eliminates stiffness and muscle spasms. Depending on the technique of healing physiotherapy, blood circulation improves, lymph drainage is activated, which helps to cleanse the entire body, the functionality of tissues and organs is quickly restored after traumas, surgical interventions, and long illnesses.
Massage in Pediatrics
Today, therapeutic massage for babies takes a special place in pediatrics. Its main tasks are as follows:
respiratory regulation;
stimulation of child's growth;
removal of the tone;
normalization of the digestive tract;
getting rid of colic.
Distinguish therapeutic and preventive (health) massage.
Therapeutic massage for children of the first year of life includesa set of techniques characteristic of the classical, with a difference in strength and softness of execution. Perform massaging babies can only a professional who knows all the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body. Let's enumerate the important points that should be paid attention before you do rubbing the child for a year:
avoid using various creams and powders for massage;
all movements must coincide with the trajectory of the blood vessels;
with a tummy massage, bypass the liver region (this also applies to the genital organs);
exclude vibrational techniques in the kidney area;
if the skin has redness or rash, you should avoid these areas.
The main contraindications for medicalMassage in infants is the presence of femoral, inguinal and umbilical hernias, skin diseases, congenital heart disease, rickets in the period of exacerbation. Another nuance is the behavior of the baby during the massage. This procedure should bring him pleasure, positive emotions, disposing. If the kid is naughty, reveals discontent, do not insist. Select those exercises and techniques that adjust it to positive, and the next session of massage therapy begins with them.