5 strong prayers for making money

"Happy is not the one who has a lot of money, but the one to whomthey are missing! "- says a wise saying, and it is difficult to argue with it. But we are so arranged that we do not imagine happiness without money. We envy a neighbor who has a house - a full cup and a dacha somewhere in Europe, we arrange three jobs, one of which instead of sleep, and sit down on loans from all the banks in the district. However, the money is still not enough. The head is convulsively thinking where to get more money a lot and at once, and no matter what it will have to sacrifice - calmness, sleep or even health.

If you have recently started more oftento visit the idea, why a person has two kidneys and whether he can live with one, it's time to stop and revise not the amount of money in the wallet, but the way of thinking and attitude to life values ​​that are measured not by money. To heal from the "antidenevirus virus", align the financial situation and become a "magnet" for exactly the amount of money that will make you a happy person, and not a driven horse, will help turning to your own soul, the holy forces and the Lord God in prayer.

Money and Church

5 strong prayers for making money

How does the church relate to money and why in theChristianity spread prayers about financial well-being? Judging by how many clerics flourish, it can not be said that the church considers money as sin or evil. It was God himself who bequeathed not only temples, but also ordinary people. Only happy and satisfied in all spiritual and earthly needs a person generates happiness. But if the Orthodox Church does not approve of witchcraft, black magic and related rituals, can a believing Christian count on God's help in financial matters? Can! In Orthodoxy there is a place for money rituals, but only in the form of prayers for prosperity and money well-being.

People who turned to the temple of their own soul and toTo the Most High, achieve material prosperity and restore financial stability without guilt before God, and without debts to the unclean who rules magic. The method of Christian prayer is uniquely stronger and more effective than witchcraft. The main thing is to establish a connection with Heaven through your own faith. Prayer, uttered without a soul, awareness and trust in the Lord, will remain a useless set of words, a monologue. Only prayer, spoken with faith and passed through the soul, will receive feedback.

Five strong prayers for help in money

Below are prayer-appeals to saints,who have repeatedly confirmed their assistance in financial matters. You can read all three, but it's better to choose one that will receive a sincere response and inner conviction in its success.

5 strong prayers for making money

Monetary Prayer to Spiridon Trimi Fountain from Poverty

St. Spyridon is the patron of all those in need ofmaterial assistance to people. Prayer addressed to him, is able to make real miracles in cases that require money "injections" (work, business, real estate, debts, litigation, etc.). Read it laid every morning for 7-10 days, or until the financial problem is resolved. Praying is better before the icon of St. Spyridon of Trimphund and a lit candle.

"Holy Spiridon, be glorified! You helped the destitute and the weak during life. He worked miracles and saved from poverty. Your name is on everyone's lips, for you also help after your death. I also pray for your help. Guard me and my family from poverty and want. Save and increase our finances. Send us abundance and wealth. "

The monetary prayer to Nicholas the Miracle-Worker about wealth and prosperity

5 strong prayers for making money

St. Nicholas is referred to every miracle, andif in certain life situations money can become that miracle, then ask Nicholas the Wonderworker for intercession before God, and he will pray for your financial well-being. His prayers will be heard faster, and the solution will come in the form of a clue, an idea or the welfare of strangers. Prayer is read every morning and evening, or on Thursdays in the temple in front of the icon.

"Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, I beg of you for help. I ask, be strict to me, but it's fair. Send me prosperity and abundance according to my faith, save from mistakes. Give me wisdom to wisely manage money, and attract opportunities that give me financial freedom. I'm hoping for you, for you help every beggar. Let thy name be glorified forever and ever. Amen!"

Monetary Prayer to John the Merciful for Help in Need and Poverty

5 strong prayers for making money

John the Most Merciful is the patron saint of all the poor and destitute. Prayer to him is one of the strongest protections against lack of money and financial collapse.

"Saint John the Blessed, gracious, protect the saintand those who are in misfortunes! I seek refuge with you and pray to you, as the fast patron of all who seek consolation from God in troubles and misfortunes. Do not stop praying for all with faith coming to you. You are filled with Christ's love and goodness, appeared as a wonderful chamber of virtuous mercy and got yourself a merciful name: you were his river, constantly flowing generous favors and all those who hunger for abundantly. Amen!"

Monetary Prayer to the Guardian Angel about material well-being

5 strong prayers for making money

Praying to the Guardian Angel for helpin money is better after the Friday fast and the canonical prayer "Our Father". To give greater power to the intention to live comfortably and in full prosperity, the prayer to the Guardian Angel is read in the morning and in the evening:

"To you, angel of Christ, I cry. He protected me and protected me, and kept it, for I have not sinned before and will not sin in the future against faith. So answer me now, come to me and help me. I worked very much, and now you see my honest hands, with which I worked. So let it be, as the Scriptures teach, that it will be rewarded according to the labors. Give me according to my labors, holy, that a hand full of labor may be filled, and I might live comfortably, to serve God. Fulfill the will of the Most High and bestow upon me earthly bounties according to my labors. Amen!"

Monetary prayer-guard to the Almighty

5 strong prayers for making money

"You, O Lord, are our acquisition, and therefore we are neither inthan we do not have a defect. With You, we do not want anything in heaven or on earth. In You we enjoy an ineffably great bliss, which the whole world can not deliver to us. Do it, let us constantly be in You, and then we willingly renounce all that is unwanted for You, and we will be happy, no matter how You, our Heavenly Father, arrange our earthly destiny. Amen!"

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