How to get acquainted: 5 important tips for single mothers

Attempts to get acquainted can become realtest for a single mother. How to make sure that you are on the right path to a new relationship? The expert on acquaintances and the "evangelist" of the site "Photostrana" Ekaterina Fadeeva shares her advice: what to do in order to start getting acquainted and meeting.

Lonely Mom, even the idea is again with someoneget acquainted and arrange a personal life can seem frightening. The sad experience of past relationships, thoughts about the child, the fear of not meeting a man who will accept the circumstances of your life, limit your resolve in search of a new happiness. Nevertheless, a lot of single mothers were able to re-arrange their personal lives. So what should you do to begin to get acquainted, meet and at the same time keep a man, family and your personal space in perfect balance? Here are six tips that will help you.

Be honest

From the very beginning, be honest in everything. This does not mean that you should immediately disclose all the details of your personal life, but do not hide that you are raising a child. A concerned man will understand that taking care of a child requires responsibility and time. However, let him know that you are ready to devote time and create new relationships.

How to get acquainted: 5 important tips for single mothers

Talk about yourself, not about the child

On a date, discuss only those things thatconcern the two of you, and not your family's domestic problems or your child's passions. Yes, you are a mother, but a discussion of the child's progress will not help to get started and flourish in a new romantic relationship.

Do not compromise, which is harmful to the child

No matter how greatman, remember that for you, the well-being of the child is a priority. It may sound rude, but do not compromise, as a result of which you will spend less time with the child, especially if the new relationship is in the initial stage.

Do not overstate your expectations

You, like no one else, know that not allrelations last forever. It is not necessary to be ahead of events and hurry with thoughts about cohabitation, even if it seems to you that you met "the same one". Let the relationship develop gradually, naturally.

How to get acquainted: 5 important tips for single mothers

Be confident

New acquaintances and especially the relationship requireconsiderable effort. It is very important, before taking a decisive step, to make sure that you are well represented in your life. Do not be too careless in striving to build new relationships. Make sure that your life and the life of your child are arranged according to your priorities, before a new man appears in it.

After you enter into a relationship, lifewill change. Of course, it takes a lot of time to create a lasting alliance. But to meet someone who will accept and fall in love with you, will be your support, certainly worth the effort.

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