Fear of loneliness

The fear of loneliness is inherent mainly in women, because they do not imagine a life in which there is no husband or children. Youth is not eternal, therefore women also triedalways as soon as possible to get married, so as not to be alone. But still in recent years, it has been observed that women overestimate their lives and their meaning, therefore they marry later and later. Indeed, the fear of loneliness is nothing more than our own negative thoughts, which should be driven away from ourselves.
The fear of loneliness can haunt you for a lifetime, poisoning the joy of the day you lived. But loneliness is the natural state of every person, and the invented fear is only an actionstereotypes. As for women, the stereotype of a happy married woman that gave birth to children most often works. It seems that she can not be lonely, but is it really so?
Everyone can be lonely in something. You may not understand, do not take seriouslyor not appreciate, and you will feel like a lonely person. Even in marriage, many couples feel that they are single, let and live together for many years. The reasons for loneliness in this case may be different, but more often than not it is an unhappy marriage. In an unhappy marriage, each of the partners every day goes deeper and deeper into their own world, in which he is alone, because he has no one to share with what he has in his heart. Even after the divorce, people do not feel much difference in whether they live together or alone. Fear of loneliness is not present, after all they have been given to themselves already for many years.
Fear of loneliness more often appears not because of the fact that a person is afraid of being alone, but because of the problems that are piling on him. A attempts to avoid the problem exacerbate the situation even more. But it would be worthwhile only to look at the problem from a different angle, as the fear of loneliness would immediately become insignificant.
Think about it, because in fact, most of the happy moments a person experiences when next to him there is no one. When a new idea dawns on you, or when youlie on the seashore under the warm rays of the sun, you will not much wonder who is with you nearby. After all, at the moment you are happy. Not someone else, but you. But a mental return to the fact that something is oppressing you, definitely will make you afraid of loneliness. Conclusion: you should not allow bad thoughts. This may include thoughts about what you had before, or self-pity, that at the moment you have something that does not work. Do not regret anything, because it will not change anything, and you will feel worse only. Yes, and the fear of loneliness from such thoughts will not go anywhere, but will torment you even more.
If you can not help thinking back tosome moments of your life, then you will have to learn how to cope with your fear of loneliness somehow differently. To do this, knowledge will be very useful, how to get rid of the fear of loneliness.
To overcome the fear of loneliness, first accept it. You all escape from something, but do not try withthis fight? But in vain. Realize that at the moment this is just such a stage of life, where you will be alone. Think that in fact everything is not so bad, because you have a lot of free time and complete freedom of action that will change your life the way you want it.
The fear of loneliness is inside each person, who believes that there are no people around him,who would understand it. And you did not try to do self-improvement? After you start working on yourself, you will notice that your own attitude towards people has changed radically. Maybe now you'll notice that next to you are the same lonely people who do not attach any importance to their fears?
If you really have reasons for fear of loneliness, then you should understand them. Maybe you are afraid to stay alone because ofany particular person? As accurately as possible, formulate the reasons for your fear. It will also be superfluous to be aware of situations in which you may be afraid to remain alone. Now chase away all negative thoughts and arguments. Fill your mind with positive emotions only. And do not sit still! If you do not change anything in your life, no one will do it for you. So look for new friends, attend different courses, sports clubs or trainings, and your fear of loneliness will never return to you.