Ideal relationship: are they possible?

Women by nature are more vulnerable and impressionable than men. It is for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity and they shoot various romantic films, where everything ends perfect wedding and a happy life together. After watching such films, the girls try to build the very ideal relationship that they saw on the screen. But do they really exist?
Of course, ideal relationships exist. But the concept of such relations for everyone will be different. What is ideal for a woman, it seems absurd for a man. In addition, every person is a person withtheir tastes and preferences. Therefore, one can not accurately derive the formula of ideal relations for all people at once. One can only reduce to general concepts what will be considered ideal relations.
What kind of relationship is ideal?
Many women imagine idealrelationship as follows: a man wears it in his arms, protects, cherishes, respects, fulfills all her whims. Men imagine ideal relations a little differently: caring, no restriction of his personal freedom and obligations in fulfilling desires against the will. As you can see, opinions of men and women do not match.
But even the fact that men and women differently look at the world, is not yet an occasion for disorders. After all Ideal relations do not become for one minute. It is necessary to work on their creation. Think, what problems can there be in relations between men and women? Most often this is a desire to satisfy one's own needs, giving nothing away. Many people just want to receive, do not give. It turns out that in a relationship, each person positions himself as "the center of the universe." The other should love the partner, respect, fulfill all his desires, make concessions to him. As a result, not relationships are obtained, but a mutual tug of war. Such relationships can not be called ideal.
Also, relations will not be ideal when onefrom partners completely dissolves in another. But the other partner does not have the same impact. Also, your relationship will not be ideal if one of the partners completely subordinates or subordinates to others. Of course, If happiness for you is such, then in your case everything is exactly as it should be.
Therefore, it is commonly believed that in a perfect relationship, there are some obligatory bases. These include: the opportunity to love and be loved, the ability of each partner to develop as a person, the opportunity to allow himself to be himself. Also do not forget about the presence of a fine spiritual connection between partners. If you see that this description you can apply to characterize your relationship - you can be called a happy couple.
But how to make relations ideal for all those who can not say that he is completely happy? There are some tips:
- try not to be both a friend and a loved one for your partner. Friendship is good, but it kills all the love in the bud. And without love, there are no ideal relationships;
- find a compromise. Ideal relations are joint decision-making, taking into account each other's interests;
- learn toleration: do not waste your nerves on something that you do not like in a partner, but rather find positive aspects of it;
- support each other, even if they do not always agree on something;
- surprise each other, give gifts without reason;
- if you have been together for a long time, make a date from time to time. Remember how fun you used to be together. Skip boredom with new impressions!