Female faults through the eyes of menIndiscriminately blaming all men for being a goat,women forget that they themselves are not ideal. Everyone has their own shortcomings, and men can also present a long list of claims if they wish. Which ones women's disadvantages most annoy men?

Female deficiencies: excessive need for attention

Of course, every person needs attention. But women often forget that even in the most loving pairs, each partner needs a personal space. At the beginning of a relationship, a couple can perfectly behavefeel, spending together almost 24 hours a day. But after a while a man begins to feel the need to take a breath of fresh air, and the woman at the same time continues to demand attention from him, takes all his free time, up to the fact that he drags him along for shopping.

It is necessary to give the man a personal space - hethere must be a time that he can conduct as he wants. If he decides to spend it with you - excellent. And if not - it does not mean that he does not love you. It's just that his life does not end on your relationship, and it's absolutely normal. One of the biggest mistakes in a relationship is to limit them all your life. Be self-sufficient and know how to follow the golden mean: if a woman shows love and care, but does not "strangle" them a man - this is a great dignity, which more than covers many female faults.

Women's shortcomings: jealousy

Jealousy is normal. As long as you can keep yourself within the bounds of decency. It's one thing when a man clearly and unequivocally gives rise to jealousy (for example, comes from work in a lipstick-smeared shirt, smelling of female perfume, and says that he conducted business negotiations with suppliers). Another - when a woman is paranoid jealous of him about and without, reads his SMS, correspondence in social networks and by e-mail, calls every five minutes and arranges for him shadowing.

Many women's shortcomings fade before jealousy. Excessive jealousy is not a sign of love, it is a manifestation of a sense of ownership and insecurity. Any relationship is built on trust, and what kind of trust can we talk about when tryingmonitor each step of the partner and question everything that he tells you? By the way, jealousy is connected with the previous drawback - the desire to occupy the entire life space of the partner.

Female deficiencies: excessive emotionality

Women in the mass are more unrestrained in expressing emotions than men: it is caused by physiological, psychological and emotional reasons. But emotions need to be able to control. A woman who let down a tear while watching a sentimental melodrama, causes affection. A woman arranging hysterics due to a broken nail causes rejection.

Their emotions need to be kept in check: men do not like capricious, hysterical women. And especially Do not use emotions to manipulate a man: very few people like to feel like a puppetin the hands of the puppeteer, and sooner or later he will guess that you have prepared for him just such a role. But also to strike at the other extreme, turning into a hard-hearted and emotionless "iron lady", is also not worth it.

Women's shortcomings: what else?

In fact, the list of female deficiencies can be continued if not infinitely, then very long, and many of them are a paradox! - contradict each other. Excessive concern about their appearance andcomplete disregard for it; hyperoperation and lack of attention to the man; laziness and workaholism; distrust of a man and blind devotion; inability to agree and excessive complaisance; a woman can be too smart and too stupid, too modest and too relaxed ...

So what does this mean? About the inconsistency of men? About their desire to find fault with everything, to what only it is possible? No no and one more time no. First of all it means that The disadvantage is any quality brought to the extreme: bad all that too. In addition, all men are different: what seems to be a disadvantage to one, can be perceived as a virtue to others.

Finally, Men still love women, despite all their female faults. Of course, this does not mean that you need to sit on their neck; as far as possible, it is necessary to deal with shortcomings. This only means that not everything is as bad as it might seem.

Female faults through the eyes of men
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