Dependence on games

Already during the Roman Empire, people played not only on money, but also on slaves, cattle and houses. Since then, the game business has developed very much, but the meaning remained the same: lure into the game - draw out money.
Why do people like the game so much? The answer is very simple - excitement. It is excitement, the desire to win a large sum of money makes many people go to the casino and lose their money there. But if the casino is a privilege financiallyprovided people, then ordinary gaming machines are available to everyone. Dependence on games on such machines is produced quickly enough. It can be explained by the example of the elaboration of a conditioned reflex.
Remember the teaching of Pavlov, and how he developed the conditioned reflex of salivation in the dog, when the light bulb? To elaborate such a reflex, he only had12 repetitions of the simulated situation: meat - a light bulb - the formation of saliva. After they removed the meat and lit only a light bulb, the dog's saliva all the same stood out. Similarly, one can explain the man's addiction to the slot machine. That's just a little more complicated. In this case, not only visual, but also auditory accompaniment is involved (music, ringing of scattered coins). That's how you can explain the formation of dependence on gaming machines.
Card games, even the most innocuous "fool", can also lead to dependence. First, no one plays for money, but the excitement of a person has no boundaries, so sooner or later betting begins.
Treatment of game addiction
To help a person who depends on gambling is possible, but very difficult. Therefore, it is worth listening to folk wisdom"It is better to prevent the disease than to cure it." It turns out that not all people are at risk. It is proved that office workers suffer much less from gambling than, say, traders in the market. If a person wants to pass the time at work, he, most likely, will be carried away by games.
With any person who is keen on gambling, you should be careful. You can apply to a psychologist, but only in thatIf the player already understands his dependence. If a person himself does not realize his problem, then such an intervention can simply set him up against any help he is being offered.
First, try to win the trust of the player. Do not shout and actively argue that he is notrights. Just stick to the neutral position, you can even sympathize with him. It is from this position that it will be easiest to switch to easy psychological pressure. Think carefully about your speech, prove that the gamer is not right and thinks irrationally. Operate with words such as "friends", "family", "work", as well as facts about the number of players who went bankrupt because of their predilection, how many of them ended in suicide. You can also come up with a sad story that has happened to friends of your friends. With the help of such arguments, you should try to teach a person who is addicted to games. Only after the recognition of the problem of the player can be shown to the psychologist.
Psychologists treat dependence on games with the help of individual complex therapy, which is based on the principles outlined above. But only professional help can giveto understand a person how dependent he was on gambling, how he hurt his predilection for relatives and friends. A person should not just say that he is addicted, but make it clear that he is ill.
Dependence on games can be compared with alcoholism or drug addiction. But even the doctors themselves argue that dependence on alcohol or drugs is much easier to treat than gambling.