Cake in the form of heart on February 14, recipe with photo

The ability to cook deliciously has always been and will bea big plus for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity in the eyes of men. And the fact that the way to the heart of a man lies through the stomach, little girls learn from childhood. Therefore, often use this male weakness and spoil your favorite delicious, master new culinary highs.

A great opportunity to demonstrate your skillsculinary, flavored with romance and feelings - a special cake in the form of a heart for Valentine's Day. And we suggest you try out the original recipe for such a sweet symbolic gift, as a delicious and original cake in the shape of the heart.

Cake "Loving Heart"

Such a delicate and delicious cake in the form of a heartwill become a beautiful decoration of your table and an ideal end to a festive dinner. To prepare such an unusual cake on February 14, we divide the whole process into stages:

  1. preparation of ingredients. We will need:

    • eggs - 4 pieces;

    • flour and sugar - 1 st .;

    • powdered sugar - 1 item;

    • cream (33% fat content) chilled - 200-300 ml;

    • gelatin - 15 g;

    • milk - 1 item;

    • evaporated milk boiled - 0.5 jars;

    • butter - 200 g;

    • finished jelly red - 1 pack;

    • syrup for impregnation;

    In addition, you need a split form for a cake in the form of a heart;

  2. baking and biscuit preparation: beat the whites with a pinch of salt, gently mix them with the yolks and flour ground with sugar, bake the biscuit at 180C for about 30 minutes. After 8 hours carefully cut the cakes along into 2 parts and soak them with syrup;

  3. prepare the cream: whisk the condensed milk with the softened butter and put it for a while in the refrigerator;

  4. prepare the jelly: it will make our cake in the form of a heart on February 14 resembling the warmest loving heart. So, we dilute the contents of the sachet according to the instructions (water take 30-40 percent less than required) and cool the jelly until it freezes;

  5. do the souffle: In milk, we soak gelatin for an hour, then reheat it to dissolve (it is possible in a microwave oven). Cream whisked with powdered sugar until a strong foam, and put aside for decoration. We connect the whipped cream with the dissolved gelatin spoon and bring to a homogeneous mass and a little cool in the refrigerator;

  6. collect our original cake for Saint's DayValentine: put the first cake in the form, grease it with cream, cover with the second one. We fill the souffle cakes and put the cake in the refrigerator. When the souffle is cold, gently, with a spoon, put a little frozen jelly on it and return it to the refrigerator again;

  7. decorate the resulting cake: when all the layers of the cake are well-frozen, remove the shape and decorate the sides with the remaining whipped cream. They also make a small kantik on the edge of the top - so our cake on February 14 will look even more gentle and romantic. Can not such a delicious beauty please?

Author: Katerina Sergeenko

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  • Cookies on February 14

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