Recipe for hepatic cake
Who remembers what emotions he had in his childhood fromuse and taste of fried liver? "Eat, it's a useful and satisfying product," - the majority told us adults. And for many of us, she was not happy. But the older we become, the more we begin to understand its usefulness and value this subproduct. Hepatic cake should be to the liking of many.
On the recommendation of nutritionists, the liver should be consumed at least once every few weeks to supplement your body with useful substances, in particular - iron and vitamins of group B.
Do not also eat the liver often. First, it is also not recommended by most nutritionists, since there is a known fact that the liver is a powerful adsorbent, and serves in any organism with some buffer-purifier. All the toxic products that animals eat eat through it. It is for this reason that the liver dishes should be cooked exactly when your body will let you know about it, namely, "ask" you about it. You will immediately understand this when you suddenly really want to taste this delicacy.
The liver is the source of iron. And this important fact is worth considering when you feel its lack.
Hepatic cake: recipe number 1
Imagine that you want to surprise yourhousehold members. What will you do? Do something grand - hepatic cake, for example. If you think that it is difficult and difficult to prepare, then you are mistaken. There is nothing inconvenient. Here is a simple recipe for liver cake.
beef liver (or chicken) - 500 g
eggs - 2-3 pieces
flour - 3 tbsp. l.
onions - 2-3 pieces
carrots - 2 pcs
sunflower oil
Cooking method
Mine and clear the beef liver from the film and let it through the meat grinder. It can also be ground with a blender.
Add salt, pepper, 2 raw eggs and 3 tablespoons of flour.
Cut finely onions and three on grated carrots. Fry with sunflower oil until the onion and carrots are soft.
We start baking our liver pancakes. We need to fry them on both sides. First, on the one hand, we spread pancake on a plate and from it we put it again on a frying pan to fry on the other. We do this so that it does not break. The second option: you can fry a pancake on one side, without turning, but cover the frying pan with a lid, so that the top layer is steamed.
Having made from 6 to 9 cakes, smear them with mayonnaise and put on each layer our vegetable roast.
If desired, you can cook 3 eggs, grate finely on a grater and put them on each cake. This is whom you like. Our liver cake is ready. We let him soak in the fridge and treat the whole family.
Liver cake with sour cream: recipe # 2
The ingredients are the same as the recipe number 1. Only instead of mayonnaise we take sour cream, garlic and greens. Garlic finely press through garlic. The greens are finely chopped. All mixed - sour cream sauce is ready.
Hepatic crust we mash with sauce, put on each pancake fried onions and carrots and give our cake to brew in the refrigerator.
Eat with appetite, please the guests and yourself. This is so self-sufficient dish that does not require an additional side dish in the form of cereals, pasta or mashed potatoes. Such a cake is nutritious enough for its nutrition, so you do not have time to look back, how to get enough in a pretty fast time. Eat with pleasure!