Adjika from tomatoes
In fact, in classical adzhika, whose home is, by the way, Abkhazia, there are no tomatoes. But in modern conditions Adjika from tomatoes, as one of the varieties of Adzhika, is very popular - it is not so burning and many will have to taste.
Adjika from tomatoes can be used as a sauce for various dishes, as a dressing for salads or first courses. Prepare ajika from tomatoes usually in a cold or hot way.
The country of the Soviets has collected for you several recipes of Adjika from tomatoes.
Adjika from tomatoes №1

To make a tomato adjika, you need this recipe:
tomatoes - 3 kg
sweet pepper - 1 kg
garlic - 0,5 kg
pepper spicy - 150 g
salt - 0.5 cups
sugar - 3 tbsp.
Peppers are sweet, hot peppers, let tomatoes pass through a meat grinder. Add salt and sugar.
Leave the mixture in the refrigerator overnight. Then drain the excess liquid, decompose the adzhika from the tomatoes into the cans. Keep refrigerated.
Adjika from tomatoes №2
To make a tomato adjika, you need this recipe:
tomatoes - 3 kg
sweet pepper - 2 kg
garlic - 300 g
pepper spicy - 150 g
sugar - 0.5 cups
vinegar 9% - 0.5 cups
Sunflower oil - 1 glass
salt - 0.5 cups
greens of cilantro, dill, celery - 400 g
coriander, hops-suneli, walnut - to taste
Tomatoes and peppers pass through a meat grinder.
Stir, add sunflower oil and put on a slow fire.
Cook, stirring constantly, for 1 hour.
The mixture is cooled, add sugar, salt, vinegar. Peel the garlic and also add to Adzhika.
Greens coriander, dill, celery chop in a blender. Mix with Adzhika, add coriander, hops-suneli, ground walnuts to taste.
Adjika from tomatoes is allowed to brew, and she is ready. Keep refrigerated.

And the following recipe for Adzhika from tomatoes is usually called "female adzhika" because of its softer taste.
Adjika from tomatoes №3
To make a tomato adjika, you need this recipe:
tomatoes - 2,5 kg
carrots - 1 kg
sweet pepper - 1 kg
pepper bitter - 2-3 pcs.
apples - 1 kg
garlic crushed - 200 g
vinegar 9% - 150 g
sugar - 150 g
Sunflower oil - 150 g
salt - 0,25 cup
Wash vegetables thoroughly, pass through a meat grinder. Put the mixture in a container, put on a fire, bring to a boil.
After boiling, cook for an hour. Shortly before the end of cooking, add pounded garlic, sugar, salt, vegetable oil.
Stir the mixture, boil, pour into pre-sterilized jars, roll up.
Slowly cool, put in a cool storage place.
Bon Appetit!