Kozinaki from walnutsKozinaki (Gozins) - this is Georgian halva from walnuts largegrinding. Kozinaki also refers to the sweetness of different kinds of nuts, peeled sunflower seeds, sesame seeds in honey or sugar, pressed into briquettes. We bring to your attention the recipe for making walnuts from walnuts in honey.

Kozinaki from walnuts

For cooking, you will need:

  • walnuts peeled - 3 cups

  • honey - 1,5 cups

  • sugar - 0.5 cups


  1. Peeled walnuts lightly fry in a clean frying pan. Manually chop the nuts into small pieces.

  2. Mix sugar and honey. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook until the drop taken
    on trial, will not cease to spread on a saucer.

  3. Pour the walnuts into the resulting syrup and, continuously stirring, cook the mixture for another 15 minutes.

  4. After, on a cold-watered board lay outthe mass obtained. Using a rolling pin, also moistened with cold water, the surface of the mass is leveled. The thickness of the resulting formation should be approximately 1 cm.

  5. Slightly cooled kozinaki with a sharp knife cut into small pieces, and then let them harden.

  6. Kozinaki served at the table in a bowl or dish.

Bon Appetit!

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