Original homemade jam

Original homemade jam
Homemade jam from a pumpkin or zucchini is undoubtedly less popular than a jam of berries or fruit. But if you cook it correctly, the original jam will be an ornament to your table.
Pumpkin preserves
Correctly cooked homemade jam from a pumpkin - transparent, very fragrant. Toasts with pumpkin jam can be served at a festive party in honor of Halloween. To make homemade jam from a pumpkin, we will need:
ripe pumpkin - 1 kg
granulated sugar - 1,5 kg
water - 1 l
6% vinegar - 1 tbsp.
cloves, lemon juice - to taste
For the preparation of jam is best to take orange varieties of pumpkin - they are more sweet and fragrant. Pumpkin is peeled from the skin and seeds, cut the flesh into cubes.
Water with vinegar bring to a boil, cool, pour the pumpkin (the liquid should cover it completely) and leave for 4-5 hours.
We filter the pumpkin through a sieve, put it in a bowl, in which we will cook our homemade jam, and fall asleep with sugar. We put in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours to pumpkin let the juice.
Pumpkin jam should be boiled in a fewreceptions: put the pumpkin on the fire, bring it to a boil, let it cool down at room temperature, bring it back to the boil ... Do not forget to stir the jam and remove the foam during cooking!
The cooking time can be gradually increased from 5 to 15 minutes. For flavor, you can add to a pumpkin a couple of buds of a carnation. During the last cooking we add lemon juice to taste.
We put the prepared jam into hot sterilized jars, roll it up, let it cool down and put it away in a dark place.
Jam from vegetable marrows
Another original homemade jam is cooked from courgettes. They say that the sweet and sour zucchini jam tastes like pineapple. To prepare this unusual jam, we take:
young zucchini - 1 kg
granulated sugar - 1 kg
lemon - 1 pc.
Young zucchini mine, cut into cubes (you can notclean). My lemon and very finely chopped (along with peel). Fold the lemon and zucchini in a bowl for cooking, fall asleep with sugar and leave for the night. Jam is cooked in several ways: bring to a boil, leave for 1-2 hours, again bring to a boil. Hot jam is poured into sterilized jars and rolled.
In this case, the jam will look like cubes insyrup. To make it homogeneous, rub zucchini on a grater, combine it with finely chopped lemons, fill it with sugar and leave for an hour. Cook the jam for about an hour on low heat, not forgetting to stir constantly. Hot jam is poured into sterilized jars and rolled.
Jam from the rhubarb
You can cook unusual homemade jam from rhubarb. Like the squash, it will have a pleasant sweet and sour taste. To cook homemade jam from rhubarb with the aroma of cherry leaves, we will need:
young petioles of rhubarb - 1 kg
granulated sugar - 1 kg
cherry leaves - about two handfuls
My rhubarb, cut into cubes, we put it in a pan together with washed cherry leaves and pour boiling water (the rhubarb should be completely covered with water).
After 6 hours, throw out cherry leaves, drain the water into a saucepan, add sugar and cook syrup. We put rhubarb into syrup, cook on low heat for 15-20 minutes and leave for 4 hours.
Add the remaining mass of cherrycasting and cook until ready (the syrup should thicken, and the petioles of rhubarb - become transparent). Hot jam is poured into sterilized jars and rolled.
Jam from nuts
Homemade jam can be cooked even from walnutsnuts! To prepare this jam we need green walnuts (so called "milk maturity"). But we warn at once - it will take about a week to prepare the jam. Ingredients for walnut jam:
green walnuts - 100 pcs.
granulated sugar - 2 kg
hydrated lime - 500 g
water - 5 liters for lime water and 2 tbsp. for syrup
cloves - 10 buds
lemon - 1 pc.
Nuts are cleaned from the green peel and soaked in cold water for two days, 3-4 times a day changing the water.
Two days later, pour the slaked lime 5 lcold water, stir, insist for 3-4 hours and filter the water through the gauze. Fill the resulting calcareous water with nuts for a day. During these days, nuts need to be mixed frequently.
After 24 hours, wash the nuts with cold water, pierce each nut with a fork in several places and again soak in cold water for two days.
After two days, drain the water, dip the nuts into boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Throw nuts on a sieve.
Mix sugar with two glasses of water, bringto a boil and remove the foam. We put nuts and cloves in sugar syrup, squeeze out juice from one lemon. Bring to a boil, remove from heat, let it cool down, and then again bring to a boil. So do it three times, after which cook until ready.
Bon Appetit!