Delicious and simple recipes of kvass on birch sap
Kvass from birch juice at home

On ways to collect birch sap, its benefits andWe have already told how to use it. Now let's talk about what you can cook from it. Birch juice can be preserved, corked in cans for the winter. You can prepare from it alcoholic beverages - braga, moonshine, wine. And you can make kvass from birch sap, which you can drink even for children. This is a traditional Slavic drink. It perfectly quenches thirst and is extremely useful for the work of the food tract and intestines. Doing it is quite simple, much easier and faster than wine or bouquet. There are many options for cooking birch kvass. We will describe several time-proven, reliable recipes for this curative, tasty drink.

Kvass from birch juice with bread - recipe

10 l of birch juice is poured into the container. 200 g of rye breadcrumbs are laid in a pre-prepared tissue bag. The bag is tied with a long string and drops into birch sap. The end of the rope should be on the outside so that you can easily remove the biscuits. The fermentation process usually begins after 48 hours. After that, 100 g of oak bark, 300 g of cherry berries, several dill stems are shredded into the container. All this is covered with a lid. In two weeks birch kvass will be ready.

Delicious and simple recipes of kvass on birch sap
The recipe of kvass from birch juice

The recipe for birch kvas with yeast

Birch juice of 10 liters heats up inenameled ware to 30-35C. After that, 150 g of fresh pressed yeast are dissolved in it. The container is closed with a lid, left in a cool place for fermentation for 4-5 days. After that, ready kvass can be bottled and canned

Birch kvass with honey and lemon juice

Again, take 10 liters of freshly picked birchjuice. To it is added juice, squeezed out of 4 large lemons. At the same time, 30 g of honey and 50 g of fresh yeast are introduced. Everything is changed and bottled. in each of them it is necessary to put 3 dark raisins. Banks are sealed and sent to a cold place for 3 days. After this period, birch kvass can be drunk.

Birch kvass with barley

Fresh birch juice is poured over cans oroak barrels, which is preferable. In the juice added to taste sugar and a little raisins. Also in each jar you need to put birch chips. It will be enough 3-5 pieces, the size of a match. This is a good way to prevent osseousness of kvass. In a dry frying pan, it is necessary to fry the barley grains to a light brown hue. They also need to be added to the blank for the future kvass in the proportion of 200 g of grain per 10 liters of birch sap. Banks are sealed with lids and sent to a cool place for fermentation. In a few days you can drink a pleasant, sourish, carbonated drink.

Birch kvass with oranges

5 liters of birch sap will need 5 pcs. oranges. The latter must be cut in any way as small as possible. Oranges, 500 grams of sugar, 20 grams of fresh yeast, 10 grams of dry mint, or even better balm - all this is put in a container with birch sap. Stir everything until the sugar and yeast are completely dissolved. The container is covered with a two-layer gauze and left for 12 hours to ferment kvass. After that, the drink is filtered, bottled in cans or bottles. In each need to put a few highs. Stored birch kvass with oranges in a cool place.

Delicious and simple recipes of kvass on birch sap
How to make kvass from birch sap?

Birch kvass with dried fruits

The taste of this drink can be very different, independing on which dried fruit will be used. Usually it is raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dried apples, pears and even rose hips. Filtered fresh birch sap is bottled in containers. In each it is added dried fruits. You do not need to put sugar or yeast. Capacities are sealed and left in a cold place for several days for fermentation.

It is interesting that kvass from birch juice witheven those who do not like birch sap actually love to drink. But this natural drink is very useful and can become a worthy substitute for compotes and juices in the winter season.

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