How to behave at work
The culture of behavior at work is the key to your success and the good attitude of your colleagues, and even more so of your superiors. How to behave at work, how not to become the object of ridicule and gossip? After reading simple tips, you arrange for yourself a team and eliminate all possible bad moments of your behavior at work.

If you managed to watch the movie "Fightingclub, then you probably remembered the scene where the main character beats himself in front of the boss, so that the "fiend" is accused of violence over the employee, and our hero would receive a lifetime salary and never appear again at work. So, it's not worth it, even if you felt a good flow of strength, courage and anger. It is better to read further about how to behave at work, rejoice over everything and communicate well with colleagues and with the boss.

  1. Stop being late. You are an adult, a responsible person, inend-ends. And if you always come 5-10 minutes later, then you can not be called responsible. Never think of stupid "excuses." Yes, speak the truth and only it - you do not need to invent anything, especially since the conscience remains clear, except for the already late delay. Remember that you need to come to work a little earlier, in order to spread out all the documents, relax, make a fragrant coffee.

  2. Appearance. Always try to be careful, even if youfell under the rain and the shine of your shoes or shoes is irretrievably lost. In stock you should have a napkin or a shoe brush. When you come to work, do not forget to bring yourself in a proper way. If the weather turned out to be sunny, then you have nothing to fear, most importantly - to leave the house in a clean, pressed suit, laying down a beautiful hairstyle. Even if your organization can not boast of its size, it does not mean that at work you can look sloppy. A beautiful office view is at the hands of the company and you as a conscientious employee.

  3. Personal problems. If your colleagues are bothyour friends, then complaining about their personal life or professional difficulties is not worth it, since many work is more expensive than your friendship. They with lightning speed can inform your boss about your problems, well, then it went and went. Therefore, share the most intimate with only proven and worthy people.

  4. Gossip at work. Who said that the hotbed of gossip arewomen? Inveterate gossip may be men, but they will call it a purely business man's conversation, but in fact it's the purest gossip. With colleagues it is not necessary to discuss other employees, as this news can reach the authorities, and it will consider this situation as a conflict, for which it can gladly fire you. Even if you talk with colleagues in a non-working environment, and in a cafe somewhere, then gossip about your fellow workmates in no case be impossible.

  5. Bad mood. If you are always unhappy with something, then,of course, you will cause your colleagues to dislike, and about you will go rumor about the "acting on the nerves" of the employee. Try to behave at work kindly, without complaining about your condition.

  6. Communication with relatives. Bring your big family to work withthe goal of "show everything" is not worth it, and the more so it is not necessary to arrange a tour of the office. Also, be careful with phone conversations that can last up to half an hour. This will be a waste of time, and many leaders will not approve of this.

The biggest advice: if you did the work before the endworking day, then it's not worth to go shopping around the office or browse internet sites. Better help your colleagues. This you and yourself will take, and comrades will do a pleasant service.

How to behave at work
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