Probation period at work: how to pass?

Probation period at work is reallyThe test, not only your professional qualities. In addition to directly performing the duties of your boss, you will most likely be interested in your personal qualities related to work, the ability to "join the team," the relations with colleagues. How can you and how you can not behave during the trial period?
You can divide the probation period at work by three conditional "spheres" - this is the work itself, the relationship withcolleagues and relations with the authorities. These spheres do not exist separately from each other, but intersect and interact, for example, your relations with colleagues can directly influence the results of your work.
Let's start with an obvious thing about which, however, many forget. This is punctuality. Even if many of your colleagues are late, do nottake from them an example: most likely, the authorities allow themselves to turn a blind eye to the small delays of proven workers who have already proven themselves in a certain way, but a newcomer may be late arriving late. But punctuality applies not only to the time of coming to work, but also the time to leave it. Do not stay at work longer than the prescribed, trying to impress the authorities with their diligence. Most likely, it will be regarded as your inability to plan your work and keep within the set time, and this will go to your disadvantage.
Coming to work, first of all, deal with your job duties. Usually the chief or the personnel managerIntroduce the beginner to the course of the case or appoint him a "boss" from among more experienced employees who will show or explain everything to him. If you have not been told anything, do not sit idly by and wait until they come to you: maybe the boss just wants to check whether you can take the initiative and find out everything yourself. Do not be afraid to ask questions and ask colleagues to help you - but at the same time observe the golden mean and do not pester them with trifles.
Passing probation at work, fulfill your duties with due diligence, but without fanaticism. Yes, working with tripled enthusiasm, you canshow yourself well during the trial period. But after hiring, the quality of your work will inevitably decrease, because it is impossible to work at maximum speed all the time. Do not try to impress everyone with your performance. It is better to follow the principle of "Do what you must, but be there, what will be."
Should I take the initiative during the trial period? The answer, of course, will be different in each case, but speaking in general - initiative should be moderate. Probation period at work is not the time forradical innovative ideas. The initiative needs to be shown with caution, and not as a way to assert itself, but as an opportunity to show one's competence in working matters.
Now let's talk about relations with colleagues. During the trial period it is worthwhile to showgoodwill, but do not reduce the distance too much. Try to remember in the first days by the names of all colleagues (if you have a bad memory for names - write down in a notebook, it can help). Be friendly, but do not rush to get too close to someone, first look at the relationships in the team. Take part in corporate events, but forget about service novels. It happens that there are different groups in the team that conflict with each other. In no case take sides, do not participate in intrigues and spreading gossip. During the probation period you are Switzerland, observe neutrality.
The most important thing during the probation period is your A naturalness and a positive attitude. Be yourself and do not be afraid to make mistakes: no one is perfect, especially as a beginner. With gratitude take advice, adequately respond to constructive criticism and try not to allow the same mistakes several times.
Passing the probation period at work is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to follow the golden mean. Be yourself, but at the same time accept corporate culture. Work hard, but without fanaticism. We are sure you will succeed!