Why did you leave your previous job? How correctly to answer?

Therefore, very often in job interviewsask the same question: "Why did you leave your previous job?" This question is only at first glance simple, but in fact, your response to it can significantly affect the further course of the interview and its final result. How to answer this question correctly?
Undoubtedly, it follows answer truthfully, because the HR representative does not need to callYour previous employer and check everything you said. But the truth can also be served, so to speak, "under different sauce". If you answer the question: "Why did you leave your previous job?" Start in detail list all your grievances against the former bosses, then the chances of getting this job are greatly reduced. Firstly, quite often your complaints sound for echar (HR) simply unconvincing, and, secondly, You show excessive emotionality and even overestimated self-esteem, if you tell me,as you are not appreciated. And, finally, thirdly, your potential employer, it may well be fair to assume that you will also respond about him.
On the other hand, if you do your best try to evade the answer on this sensitive issue, it can alsoalert your potential employer. Your evasiveness is perceived as "closed" and the desire to hide the true reasons for leaving your previous work. For example, some evasive phrases are recognized by personnel officers as the most unsuccessful:
- "He was in conflict with the leadership team." If you say so, you riskprove yourself as a conflict person. You give an excuse to a potential employer, to assume that you will behave in the new place of work as well.
- "For a long time they did not raise their salaries." This phrase many HR staff leads to the conclusion that most likely you did not deserve a promotion.
- "Too much work." Such a statement can be perceived in two ways: either you are incompetent, or failed to insist on attracting an assistant.
- "Uninteresting work." Such a phrase immediately puts the potential employer in front of the question: "Why did you work then?". Then the employer can assume that any other business will also seem uninteresting to you.
- "At will". If you do not want to show yourself as a person"Closed", try not to use this phrase in response to this question. After all, the potential employer is not interested in the form of your dismissal, but about the actual reasons for leaving.
- Phrases with "no". The particle "not" in your answer, for example, in the phrases "did not work," "could not," "did not have time," serves as a signal to the employer for potential danger and alarms.
But to one of the more optimal answers, many employers include such as "He outgrew his company" or "I want to improve my financial situation". In this case, you do not complain about the absenceprospects or a small salary, but at the same time, in the above, you do not have a drop of lies. However, one should behave carefully, explaining his departure with material interest. After all, the future employer can assume that you will be swiftly enticed by competitors for a bonus of several hundred.
Thus, it depends on you, what impression you will make on the potential employer, whether you will be able to interest him. So that the question "Why did you leave your previous job" did not catch you unawares, you can "rehearse" the interview at home, in front of the mirror. Learn to correctly and calmly express your thoughts in order to adequately present your professional knowledge and skills.